Linux Environment Variables Configuration

    What you are going to learn:

  • How to configure environment variables to apply custom settings to the Linux Agent.

This is an advanced topic and you should only use it if you are asked by the Obkio Support Team.

Configuration File
Configuration File

It is possible to control some internal settings of the agents with environment variables. On Linux, the variables must be configured in the file /opt/obkio/ One line per variable with the syntaxe export VARIABLE_NAME="variable_value". For example:


Each time the file is modified, the agent must be restarted with the command:

sudo /opt/obkio/agent/ && sudo /opt/obkio/agent/

Environment Variables
Environment Variables

Here is a list of some environment variables available to use. It is not a complete list, as some variables are not documented here.


If set, the agent will use this key to authenticate with the Obkio Cloud. The primary use case is for Docker containers with volatile storage.


If the value is true, the agent will use the Timestamper software instead of the kernel timestamps. This option is not deployed on all agents. Contact our support team to make sure it is enabled on your agents.