Obkio releases a new macOS Monitoring Agent to allow users to monitor network performance on macOS to identify and troubleshoot network problems.

About the macOS Agent
About the macOS Agent

Obkio’s Monitoring Agent is unique software developed by Obkio Network Performance Monitoring software to measure network and application performance and availability.

The macOS Agent is one of Obkio’s Software Agents, which are easy to install and accessible for most users, and are also available for Windows, Linux and Docker.

The macOS Monitoring Agent is ideal for Mac network monitoring. It can be installed on any workstation or device operating on macOS monitor network metrics, identify network problems anywhere in your network, and collect data to troubleshoot.

Learn how to install the macOS Agent in our Documentation.

macOS Obkio Agent Installation Guide
macOS Obkio Agent Installation Guide

Learn how to install the Obkio Monitoring Agent on macOS to identify and troubleshoot network problems in 15 minutes with Obkio!

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Mac Network Monitoring Features
Mac Network Monitoring Features

Network monitoring for Mac with Obkio allows you to collect information on the network metrics that affect network performance the most, and get notified of any performance degradation or network problems.

1. Ease of Use
1. Ease of Use

The macOS Agent makes network monitoring on Mac easier than ever.

With a simplified installation, you can install, onboard, and begin monitoring network performance within minutes.

Obkio offers several Monitoring Agent types (all with the same features) including Windows, Mac, Linux, Docker, Hyper-V, VMware, Hardware Appliances and Public Monitoring Agents.

This provides users with the flexibility to monitor network performance using different operating systems, environments, servers etc.

2. Continuous Monitoring
2. Continuous Monitoring

Like all other Obkio Monitoring Agents, the macOS Agent monitors network performance by continuously exchanging synthetic traffic with other Monitoring Agents to monitor network performance.

Synthetic traffic is light and non-evasive, and requires no packet capture of real user data, which protects user’s privacy. Agents exchange synthetic traffic every 500ms to give you real-time performance updates.

3. End-to-End Visibility
3. End-to-End Visibility

Monitor end-to-end network performance on Mac, including Internet connectivity, and continuous monitoring of your LAN.

Your macOS Agent will automatically notify you if it discovers any network problems in your LAN, WAN, network devices, Internet, VoIP, remote offices and more.

4. Measure Network Metrics
4. Measure Network Metrics

The macOS Agent continuously measures performance metrics like latency, jitter, and packet loss and displays them on Obkio’s Network Response Time Graph.

Measuring these key network metrics will allow you to better understand if something is wrong with your network.

It can also measure metrics associated with network devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, and any other SNMP-enabled devices to help you troubleshoot network problems faster. Learn more about Network Device Monitoring.

Network Monitoring on Mac

Start Monitoring Network Performance
Start Monitoring Network Performance

Are you looking to start monitoring network performance on Mac?

Obkio is a simple network performance monitoring solution that allows you to continuously monitor the health of their network and core business applications to improve the end-user experience.

Try Obkio’s Mac network monitoring software for free with Obkio's Free Trial!

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