The Easiest Network Throughput Monitoring Tool

Real-time insights to stay ahead of network bottlenecks & optimize network throughput.

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Throughput Monitoring With Precision

Obkio’s Network Throughput Monitoring tool gives you complete visibility of your network data flows.

Throughput refers to the actual amount of data that is successfully transmitted over a network connection in a given period of time. Measuring network throughput helps you understand how much data actually made it across your network.

While your Internet SLA tells you how much bandwidth your ISP promised you, Obkio’s end-to-end Network Throughput Monitoring tool tells you the actual amount of data that can be transferred over the network so you can understand what you’re actual paying for.

Imagine a highway with four lanes. If only one lane is open due to repair work, your highway's full capacity is limited to that single lane. Similarly if your network has a theoretical capacity of 100 Mbps, but, due to issues like congestion or packet loss, you're only able to utilize 25% of that capacity.

Then your actual throughput is limited to 25 Mbps. Here, yout throughput monitoring tool is like a traffic control system on the highway. It helps you identify when and where congestion occurs to optimize your network and maximize your throughput.

No Matter Your Network Issue
We've Got the Network Throughout Testing & Monitoring Solution For You

Obkio's solution is designed to be the easiest network monitoring tool on the market, making it the ideal choice for businesses of all sizes, from IT professionals working from home to managing the complexities of large-scale corporate networks.

  • 14-Day Proof Of Concept
  • Single and home offices
  • SMEs with less than 3 locations
  • Mid to large multisite networks
  • MSPs & large businesses
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Colleges and Universities

Check out our plans, all available with a free 14-day trial, no credit card required!

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Deploy Network Throughput Monitoring in Minutes

Start Your Free Trial. Deploy Obkio. Monitor Network Throughput in 10 Minutes.

Understand how much data is actually flowing through your network! With Obkio, deploying your Network and Throughput Monitoring Tool is simple. Get started in just 10 minutes with our easy-to-follow onboarding wizard, ensuring a swift setup and immediate access to all premium features during your 14-day free trial.

Looking for extra guidance? Schedule a demo or an onboarding session with our network experts to enhance your throughput testing and monitoring capabilities to the fullest.

Take the first step – Start Your Free Trial with Obkio now!

Obkio Network Throughput Monitoring tool - Onboarding Wizard
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Measure Network Throughput With Extreme Accuracy

Obkio's Network Throughput Testing Tool uses SpeedTests & Device Monitoring to collect real-time measurements.

Measuring network throughput is important to see how well your Internet connection is working. To do this, Obkio's Network Throughput Monitoring tool combines SpeedTest results with real data about how much data is moving in your network. It does this using SNMP network device monitoring, which gives a complete picture of your network's performance.

When we talk about bandwidth versus throughput, we're really looking at how much space is left for a speedtest after accounting for normal data traffic. Obkio's SpeedTest creates this traffic to measure your network's actual speed and performance.

Merely averaging data over a 5-minute period can overlook sudden spikes or worst-case scenarios, impacting your understanding of throughput. Obkio's ultra-fast polling addresses this by capturing real-time data, including spikes and anomalies. This capability is essential for identifying and resolving issues promptly, safeguarding user satisfaction and optimizing network performance.

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Is Your Network Throughput What You Expected?

Calculate real throughput measurements using Obkio’s Throughput testing features.

At this point, you’ll now have complete visibility of your network throughput and continuous network performance monitoring. Obkio measures throughput using both network device monitoring metrics and network speedtests. The total throughput you calculate is the combination of these factors.

If your actual throughput doesn't match what you expected, there may be an issue. First, look at your own network:

  • Is there congestion causing data traffic jams?
  • Are there instances of packet loss, where data packets don't reach their destination?
  • Are there any other problems impacting network performance?

    Before contacting your ISP, it's essential to investigate these issues within your network. Identifying and resolving internal problems can often improve throughput and overall network performance without external intervention.
Obkio Network Throughput Monitoring tool - Traffic
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Detect & Solve Throughput Issues with Ease

Pinpoint when network throughput issues happened.

If your network's throughput is slower than expected, the next step is to troubleshoot using Obkio's Network Throughput Monitoring software. This tool helps pinpoint moments when throughput issues occurred by analyzing speedtest results, real-time monitoring dashboards, historical data, and alerts.

When you run a speedtest, it measures the speed between two specific points. However, to fully grasp your network's performance, Obkio also examines metrics like CPU, packet loss, and latency on our Network Response Time Graph. This gives you insight into overall network performance and identifies instances when network issues impacted your network throughput.

Obkio Network Throughput Monitoring tool - Network Map
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Discover Where Network Throughput Issues Are Happening

Use Obkio's to uncover if throughput issues are happening your network or your ISP’s network.

If your throughput measurements show lower speeds than expected, it's important to identify the source of the issue. When troubleshooting network throughput problems, it's crucial to distinguish whether the problem originates from within your network or your ISP’s network.

Obkio's Network Device Monitoring feature and SpeedTests will detect throughput issue happening on your end through problems like network congestion. If no congestion detected during a speedtest, Obkio's tool can simulate congestion to uncover where the bottleneck is.

If the problem lies with your ISP's network, Obkio’s Visual Traceroutes can help you trace and monitor the network path to pinpoint the ISP issue, and give you the proof you need to contact their support team.

Obkio Network Throughput Monitoring tool - Onboarding Wizard
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Pinpoint the Causes of Low Throughput In Your Network

Obkio helps you understand what’s causing poor network throughput.

Now that you've discovered that your network throughput isn't meeting your expectations, the next crucial step is to determine the reason behind it. Obkio's Network Throughput Monitoring tool is your solution for uncovering the root cause, allowing you to troubleshoot internally or seek answers from your ISP. Obkio monitors key network metrics, to uncover factors affecting your throughput, such as:

Network Congestion

Network Congestion

High levels of data traffic or congestion can significantly reduce network throughput by causing delays and packet loss, leading to slower data transmission speeds.

Inadequate Bandwidth

Inadequate Bandwidth

If your network's bandwidth capacity is insufficient for the amount of data traffic it needs to handle, this can lead to low throughput as the network struggles to accommodate the data flow..

WAN Issues (Throttling)

WAN Issues (Throttling)

If your WAN is being throttled or limited in its data transfer rates, this can directly impact throughput by restricting the amount of data that can be transmitted within a given time frame.

ISP Bottlenecks

ISP Bottlenecks

Issues within your ISP network, such as overloaded servers or network infrastructure problems, can create bottlenecks that limit the amount of data that can pass through, resulting in lower throughput for your network.

Network Device Issues

Network Device Issues

Problems with network devices such as routers, switches, or firewalls can also contribute to low throughput. Issues like hardware malfunctions, misconfigurations, or outdated firmware can hinder data transmission and reduce overall network performance.

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Increase Throughput Like A Pro!
(For Now)

Monitor, test and increase network throughput with Obkio by your side.

Manage your network's performance with Obkio's Network Throughput Monitoring tool to ensure you're getting the throughput you expect. It helps pinpoint any issues affecting your throughput, allowing you to take action promptly.

Obkio Network throughput Monitoring tool - Onboarding Wizard

It's not a matter of if your network's flow will slow, but when it will hit the brakes!

While network throughput issues can arise, Obkio empowers you to stay ahead of them and optimize your network's throughput for better performance.

Proactive Alerts for Low Throughput:

Obkio's tool provides proactive notifications, alerting you to potential speed issues in real-time. Stay proactive and take immediate action to optimize speed usage and minimize any impact on your network.

network Throughput monitoring tool notifications

Continuous Network Throughput Monitoring:

Obkio's tool keeps an eye on your network throughput constantly. This proactive monitoring ensures consistent performance and helps prevent disruptions in your network's efficiency.

network Throughput monitoring tool continuous monitoring

Conquering Network Issues with
Expert Insights and Effective Strategies

Welcome to our blog, where we address the common challenge of identifying network issues and provide you with effective solutions. At times, network problems can be elusive, causing disruptions, performance bottlenecks, and frustration. But fret not, because we are here to help. Our team of experts has extensive experience in tackling network issues head-on, and we are excited to share our knowledge and insights with you.

Network Throughput

Packet Loss


VoIP Quality
