The Leading ManageEngine OpManager Alternative

Discover Why Obkio Offers Revolutionalized, Simpler and More Affordable Network Monitoring

4.96 Average Rating (169 Reviews)

4.96 Average Rating (169 Reviews)

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The Revolutionary Network Monitoring Tool
You've Been Looking For

Avoid the complexity of legacy network management tools. Obkio is simple, straightforward Network Monitoring.

Are you investing in a network monitoring system with complex features you rarely use? Many businesses grapple with complex and costly Network Management Solutions that are too complex to understand and too expensive to maintain.

You don’t need a tool that does everything at 20%, you need a specialized tool that masters network performance at 100%. In comes Obkio’s specialized, user-friendly, agent-based Network Performance Monitoring tool.

Obkio provides a superior alternative. Our tool is intuitive and budget-friendly, perfect for users of all expertise levels. Whether you need to monitor network, application health, or Internet performance, Obkio offers all the insights you need – without the complexity or high costs.

Don't get bogged down by overly complex solutions that try to do everything. Switch to Obkio, a decentralized and native NPM tool designed to simplify your network monitoring experience.

Why Choose Obkio NPM
Over ManageEngine OpManager?

Introducing simplicity and efficiency. Obkio is the alternative to ManageEngine OpManager with the essential network monitoring features you need. Without the hassle you don’t.

Purpose-Built for Simple Network Monitoring

Purpose-Built for Simple Network Monitoring

Unlike legacy network management platforms, Obkio is specifically designed as a Network Performance Monitoring tool. Its native decentralized and agent-based infrastructure excels at monitoring and troubleshooting modern, distributed networks.

Guided Deployment in Just 10 Minutes

Guided Deployment in Just 10 Minutes

With Obkio's cloud-based platform, deployment is effortless. Our Onboarding Wizard ensures you're up and running in just 10 minutes. Plus, as your network monitoring needs grow, scaling your deployment remains quick and seamless.

Affordable and Flexible Pricing

Affordable and Flexible Pricing

Obkio offers budget-friendly and adaptable plans designed for organizations that need robust network performance monitoring without the burden of extensive IT management features.

For Every Business Size and Team Member

For Every Business Size and Team Member

Obkio meets the network performance monitoring needs of small, medium, and large enterprises. Its intuitive interface is user-friendly for network engineers, administrators, and everyday users.

Modern Interface with No Learning Curve

Modern Interface with No Learning Curve

Obkio empowers you to visualize, understand & troubleshoot network performance in minutes. Our user-friendly graphical interface is crafted for effortless navigation, eliminating steep learning curves. Say goodbye to network headaches and hello to time saved.

Obkio vs. ManageEngine OpManager: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Are you looking for a network monitoring solution that’s actually focused on performance? Introducing Obkio, the #1 alternative to ManageEngine OpManager, with superior network performance monitoring and streamlined troubleshooting.

obkio vs. ManageEngine alternative network monitoring tool

Obkio vs. Feature Overload: Choosing the Right Network Performance Monitoring Tool

When it comes to monitoring network performance, Obkio shines as a dedicated solution, designed for simplicity and effectiveness.

Some network management tools offer a wide range of features, similar to a Swiss army knife. However, it raises the question: Do most companies truly need all of these functionalities? Is the investment in higher costs and the time required to navigate the complexity worth it?

Surgeons don’t use Swiss army knives for surgeries, and when it comes to targeted network performance monitoring. That's why Obkio is specifically designed for network performance monitoring, offering all the essential features you need, without complexity.

Obkio Network Monitoring ManageEngine Competitor

obkio vs. ManageEngine alternative network monitoring tool

Made For Decentralized Networks: Obkio's Modern Approach to Network Performance Monitoring

Legacy monitoring tools were built to monitor traditional, centralized networks. But networks have changed, and your monitoring tools should too.

Traditional tools, reliant on packet capture, struggle with these dynamic environments. While some offer agent-based options, they lack the native integration needed for complex network infrastructures.

Obkio, on the other hand, distinguishes itself with its native, decentralized, and agent-based approach, purposefully crafted for today's networks. Its seamless deployment and legacy-free design position it as a trusted solution for monitoring data centers, offices, and remote locations alike. With options for cloud and on-premise agents, Obkio offers unmatched flexibility, providing comprehensive network visibility without compromise.

Obkio Network Monitoring ManageEngine Competitor

The Most Affordable ManageEngine Competitor

Forget expensive network management tools with features you don't need. Obkio offers a cost-effective solution that fits your business perfectly.

Obkio simplifies network monitoring by providing a clear focus on performance and troubleshooting. We eliminate unnecessary complexity and hefty price tags.

Create a custom plan that scales with your needs. Choose the right number of agents, users, and device monitoring based on your specific network size. This ensures you only pay for what you use:

  • 14-Day Proof Of Concept
  • Single and home offices
  • SMEs with less than 3 locations
  • Mid to large multisite networks
  • MSPs & large businesses
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Colleges and Universities

Take Obkio for a Spin! Enjoy a free 14-day trial with no credit card required.

Obkio Network Monitoring ManageEngine Competitor - Pricing Plans

The ManageEngine Alternative for All Skill Levels

Forget locked-down tools built for network gurus. Obkio empowers your entire team to contribute to a healthy network.

Obkio ensures swift deployment, minimizing the need for extensive IT resources during setup and training. Our guided deployment process enables you to kickstart your network monitoring journey in just 10 minutes. Additionally, we provide comprehensive training and troubleshooting sessions led by our network experts, ensuring your team feels proficient in utilizing the tool.

Unlike the steep learning curve associated with some tools, Obkio's intuitive interface caters to users of all skill levels. This accessibility empowers every team member to actively engage in pinpointing and resolving network issues, resulting in expedited troubleshooting and improved network performance.

Obkio ManageEngine alternative

Customers Love Obkio's Network Monitoring Tool

“For our SD-WAN migration, we installed Obkio Monitoring Agents in all our factories across North America. This allowed us to be proactive in solving network problems. Obkio is a very powerful tool for diagnosing network issues. It’s just as effective for monitoring Internet issues on the underlay as for monitoring VPN Quality on the overlay. I highly recommend this product!”
Yan Richard
IT Analyst, Networks and Unified Communications
“We do not consider Obkio to be an excessive expense, but rather as an investment that generates time savings and therefore money. When our technicians are not doing support, they can work on other projects billed at a high hourly rate. It's a simple calculation: the tool pays for itself.”
Daniel Sarrasin

Obkio's Relies on Synthetic Monitoring for More Proactive Troubleshooting

Forget the limitations of packet capture and passive monitoring. These outdated methods wait for problems to erupt before you even know they exist.

Our proactive approach empowers you to identify potential issues before they impact users. We achieve this without capturing massive amounts of real traffic.

Obkio agents send synthetic traffic to each other every 500 milliseconds. This continuous monitoring allows you to measure key metrics like latency, jitter, and packet loss by the minute. The result? Real-time insights into your network's health that allow you to identify and address potential issues before they disrupt users.

Obkio ManageEngine Alternative tool

Obkio is the ManageEngine Alternative That Gives You Network Visibility at a Glance

Our innovative Chord diagrams offer a single, clear view of all your network paths' performance. Identify bottlenecks instantly – no more confusion.

Obkio doesn't limit you. Customize your dashboards to focus on what matters most – network response times, application health, and device performance – all presented in clear, digestible formats.

Visualize your entire network infrastructure with our interactive map for a holistic understanding of performance. Plus, our color-coded quality matrix provides a quick overview of any potential issues, allowing you to identify struggling locations at a glance.

Obkio ManageEngine Alternative tool

Solve Network Problems Faster with Obkio's Troubleshooting Tools

Focus on What Matters: Fixing Issues, Not Just Detecting Them

Many traditional monitoring tools will alert you when something is done, but then leave you out to try when it comes to actually solving the issues. But Obkio empowers you to be a troubleshooting pro.

Obkio prioritizes performance data, helping you identify the root cause of problems, not just symptoms. Forget endless alerts – Obkio delivers clear notifications with the "when, where, and why" of network issues, allowing for immediate action.

Obkio equips you with powerful tools like traceroutes and in-depth device monitoring. Diagnose issues effectively in both LAN and WAN environments. With Obkio, say goodbye to time-consuming troubleshooting and hello to resolving common problems like packet loss, latency, and application slowdowns.

Obkio ManageEngine Alternative

Don’t Get Overwhelmed by Networks Alerts: Obkio Delivers Notifications That Matter

Obkio delivers a clear picture of your network health, allowing you to fix real problems, not endless alerts.

Traditional network monitoring tools drown you in irrelevant alerts, leading to frustration and missed critical issues. Obkio empowers you to become a network Jedi, focusing only on what truly matters.

Obkio prioritizes insights that help you pinpoint the root cause of network problems, not just see them. We use customizable thresholds to ensure you're only alerted for critical performance issues impacting your network, like packet loss, congestion, and jitter. Forget the noise of false positives and minor events!

Customize how you receive these critical alerts – straight to your email, Slack channel, or Microsoft Teams – ensuring you're informed when it matters most.

Obkio Paessler PRTG Alternative - Onboarding Wizard

Free Competitor Summary

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Don't Just Take Our Word For It
- See How Businesses Leverage Obkio

Explore how Obkio has revolutionized network monitoring for businesses across various industries with our collection of case studies and customer success articles. Dive into real-world examples showcasing how Obkio has empowered organizations to achieve optimal network performance, troubleshoot issues efficiently, and enhance user experience.

Customer Success Stories

Case Studies

MSP Monitoring

Managed Networks

MSSP Monitoring

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