Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the top 30 end-to-end monitoring tools, designed to provide you with unparalleled visibility and proactive management capabilities for your applications and infrastructure.

We've curated a handpicked selection of the most advanced and feature-rich end-to-end monitoring tools available today. Whether you're a small business, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large-scale organization, you'll find a range of solutions tailored to suit your specific needs. These tools have been chosen based on their comprehensive monitoring capabilities, ease of use, scalability, and integration with a diverse technology stack.

Throughout this guide, we will delve into the features, strengths, and unique selling points of each of the top 30 end-to-end monitoring tools. We will explore their capabilities, deployment options, integration possibilities, and pricing models, helping you make an informed decision when selecting the right tool for your organization.

What is an End-To-End Monitoring Tool?
What is an End-To-End Monitoring Tool?

"End-to-end monitoring tools" refer to software or systems that provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities across an entire technology stack or application workflow. These tools enable organizations to monitor and analyze various components and stages of a system, from the user interface to the back-end infrastructure.

The term "end-to-end" signifies the complete scope of monitoring, covering all interconnected elements and processes involved in delivering a service or application. This approach ensures that performance, availability, and other relevant metrics are tracked and measured throughout the entire workflow, allowing for holistic insights and proactive management.

end-to-end monitoring tools

I. Key Features of End-to-End Monitoring Tools
I. Key Features of End-to-End Monitoring Tools

End-to-end monitoring tools typically offer the following functionalities:

  1. Performance Monitoring: These tools track and measure the performance of applications, infrastructure, and network components. They collect data on response times, latency, throughput, and other performance indicators to identify bottlenecks or areas for optimization.
  2. Availability Monitoring: These tools monitor the availability of applications and services, checking if they are accessible and functioning as expected. They may use techniques like synthetic transactions or real-user monitoring to assess the overall availability of the system.
  3. Error and Log Monitoring: These tools capture and analyze error messages, exceptions, and log files generated by applications and infrastructure components. They help in identifying and troubleshooting issues by providing insights into error patterns, stack traces, and contextual information.
  4. Alerting and Notifications: End-to-end monitoring tools often have alerting capabilities, allowing administrators or DevOps teams to receive notifications when certain predefined conditions or thresholds are met. This helps in detecting and responding to critical issues promptly.
  5. Analytics and Visualization: These tools provide dashboards and visualizations that consolidate monitoring data into meaningful metrics and reports. They enable users to gain insights into system behavior, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions for performance optimization and capacity planning.
  6. Infrastructure Monitoring: End-to-end monitoring tools may also include infrastructure monitoring capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor servers, virtual machines, containers, and other infrastructure components. This helps in understanding the impact of infrastructure on application performance.

Overall, end-to-end monitoring tools play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning and performance of complex systems by providing visibility into the entire technology stack. They assist in detecting issues, optimizing performance, and maintaining high availability for applications and services.

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II. The Importance of End-to-End Monitoring Tools
II. The Importance of End-to-End Monitoring Tools

Why are end-to-end monitoring tools crucial? Traditional monitoring approaches often focus on individual components or isolated aspects of an application or infrastructure. This fragmented approach can lead to blind spots and an incomplete understanding of the overall system behavior. End-to-end monitoring tools bridge this gap by offering a holistic perspective, tracking the performance and availability of every interconnected element that contributes to the delivery of your services.

With the selected end-to-end monitoring tools, you'll be able to monitor various layers of your technology stack, including the user interface, application code, databases, networks, servers, and cloud services. By gathering a wealth of performance data, these tools enable you to pinpoint bottlenecks, identify areas for optimization, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall performance of your systems.

Moreover, these tools go beyond performance monitoring. They provide features such as error and log monitoring, synthetic transactions, real-user monitoring, analytics, network visualization, and alerting capabilities. These functionalities allow you to detect anomalies, troubleshoot issues, analyze trends, and proactively address potential problems before they impact your end users.

Exploring the End-to-End Monitoring Landscape
Exploring the End-to-End Monitoring Landscape

When it comes to end-to-end monitoring, various types of software tools are available to cater to different monitoring needs and requirements. In this section, we will explore four major categories of software for end-to-end monitoring: network performance monitoring tools, traditional network end-to-end monitoring tools, open-source end-to-end monitoring tools, and application performance monitoring (APM) software.

  • Network Performance End-to-End Monitoring Tools

Network performance end-to-end monitoring tools focus on monitoring the performance and availability of network components that contribute to the end-to-end delivery of applications and services. These tools track network metrics such as bandwidth, latency, packet loss and jitter. They provide insights into network performance, help identify bottlenecks, and enable proactive management to ensure optimal network performance.

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  • Traditional Network End-to-End Monitoring Tools

Traditional network end-to-end monitoring tools offer a broader scope of monitoring by encompassing multiple network layers and components. These tools monitor the complete network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and other network devices. They provide comprehensive visibility into network traffic, performance, and connectivity, enabling organizations to troubleshoot issues and optimize network performance across the entire end-to-end path.

  • Open-Source End-to-End Monitoring Tools

Open-source end-to-end monitoring tools provide a cost-effective alternative for organizations seeking flexible and customizable monitoring solutions. These tools are built on open-source frameworks and offer extensive community support. Open-source network monitoring tools often provide features such as network monitoring, log monitoring, synthetic transactions, and dashboarding. They can be tailored to meet specific monitoring requirements and integrated with existing systems.

  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Software

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) software focuses on monitoring the performance and availability of applications from an end-user perspective. APM tools provide deep insights into application behavior, code-level performance, and transaction tracing. They track metrics such as response time, database queries, server-side processing, and user experience. APM software offers end-to-end visibility into the entire application stack, including user interfaces, backend services, and databases, helping organizations optimize application performance and deliver an exceptional user experience.

  • Packet Capture-Based Monitoring Tools

Packet capture-based monitoring tools operate by capturing and analyzing network packets flowing through the network infrastructure. These tools provide granular insights into network behavior, application performance, and potential security threats. By capturing packets at various points in the network, they enable organizations to analyze traffic patterns, troubleshoot performance issues, and ensure compliance with security and regulatory requirements.

Each of these software categories has its own strengths and use cases. The choice of the right tool depends on the specific monitoring requirements, the complexity of the infrastructure, and the desired level of visibility. Some organizations may opt for network-specific tools to focus on performance and availability, while others may prefer APM software for comprehensive application monitoring. Open-source tools offer flexibility and customization options, while packet capture-based tools provide deep insights into network traffic.

The diverse range of software tools available for end-to-end monitoring ensures that organizations can choose the most suitable option for their specific needs. Whether it's monitoring network performance, managing traditional network components, leveraging open-source solutions, or optimizing application performance, these tools empower organizations to achieve comprehensive visibility and proactive management across their entire technology stack.

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6 Network End-to-End Performance Monitoring Tools
6 Network End-to-End Performance Monitoring Tools

In the realm of network performance monitoring, having the right tools is essential to ensure the smooth operation and optimal performance of your network infrastructure. In this section, we will explore six top-notch network end-to-end performance monitoring tools. These tools focus on tracking network metrics, identifying bottlenecks, and enabling proactive management to guarantee seamless connectivity and exceptional user experience.

From comprehensive visibility into network health to real-time monitoring and advanced analytics, these tools offer a range of features to meet the diverse monitoring needs of organizations.

1. Obkio End-to-End Network Performance Monitoring Tool
1. Obkio End-to-End Network Performance Monitoring Tool

Obkio Network Performance Monitoring tool is a simple Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting SaaS solution designed to monitor end-to-end network performance from the end user perspective, and to fulfil the need within the industry for a solution that simplifies network monitoring for all network types. Obkio leverages Network Monitoring Agents and synthetic traffic to continuously identify the causes of intermittent VoIP, video, and applications slowdown in seconds - and identify the data you need to troubleshoot and ultimately improve the end-user experience.

Obkio uses a distributed monitoring strategy to monitor modern network architectures (cloud, SaaS, SD-WAN networks) and the real end-user experience. Obkio covers your whole network by monitoring your local network (LAN, VPN), as well as third-party networks (WAN, ISP, and Internet Peering).

Obkio offers a range of dashboards and visualizations that provide real-time data on network performance. The platform offers a home page, agent details page, network session page, data center dynamic dashboard, branch dynamic dashboard, branch dashboard, visual traceroutes, thresholds, and notifications to help users monitor and optimize network performance.

Obkio’s Pricing:

Obkio offers good news for its customers: its network performance monitoring solution comes with a straightforward pricing model that requires no hour-long training or assistance from their sales team to understand.

  • Free : 2 Agents | 1 Device | 1 User (Limited Functionality)
  • $399 / month : 10 Agents | 5 Devices | 2 Users
  • $699 / month : 10 Agents | 10 Devices | 5 Users
  • Additional Fees for Additional Agent, Device and User

In fact, you can use Obkio's Price Calculator to build your custom plan, and get a customized quote that you can use for your business' budgetting and planning needs.

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Software

Learn more here : https://obkio.com/pricing/

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Obkio’s App Interface::

Obkio’s End-to-End Monitoring Tool Home Page

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Agent Details

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Network Session Page

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Dashboard

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Branch Dynamic Dashboard

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Branch Dashboard

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Visual Traceroutes

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Thresholds

Obkio End-to-End Monitoring Tool Notifications

If you're interested in seeing Obkio's end-to-end network monitoring platform in action, watch the detailed 5 minute demo guiding you through the app! You can also book a personalized demo with their team to discuss your use case and troubleshoot any issues in your network!

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2. Kentik
2. Kentik

Kentik is a network traffic intelligence platform that provides real-time network performance monitoring and analytics.

Its features include DDoS protection, network security monitoring, network performance optimization, and API integration. Kentik offers two pricing options - Essentials and Pro, which vary in included FPS, API queries/hour, dashboards, and scheduled reports.

Kentik App Interface:

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See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against Kentik as the #1 Kentik Alternative.

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2. ThousandEyes
2. ThousandEyes

ThousandEyes is a cloud-based network performance monitoring tool that offers real-time monitoring and analytics for network performance, application performance, and user experience. Its key features include real-time alerts, device tracking, network topology mapping, and application performance monitoring.

ThousandEyes App Interface:

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See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against ThousandEyes as the best ThousandEyes Alternative.

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3. Catchpoint
3. Catchpoint

Catchpoint is a cloud-based network and digital experience monitoring platform that provides real-time monitoring and analytics for network performance, web performance, and user experience. Its key features include real-time alerting, device tracking, network topology mapping, and API integration.

Catchpoint App Interface:

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Experience the power of the Catchpoint platform in action! This demo provides an overview of Catchpoint's real-time visibility into global monitoring networks and its various platform dashboards. You'll discover how monitoring teams can leverage Catchpoint to perform synthetic tests, analyze real-time user data, and monitor full network performance to optimize the user experience.

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4. AppNeta
4. AppNeta

AppNeta is a cloud-based network performance monitoring tool that offers real-time monitoring and analytics for network performance and application performance. Its key features include real-time alerting, device tracking, network topology mapping, and API integration. AppNeta offers five pricing options, including Small Office, Large Office, Data Center, and two Global Monitoring options.

AppNeta App Interface:

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See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against Appneta as the ultimate Appneta Alternative.

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5. LiveAction
5. LiveAction

LiveAction is a cloud-based network performance monitoring and diagnostics tool that provides real-time monitoring and analytics for network performance.

Its key features include real-time alerts, network topology mapping, application performance monitoring, and API integration. LiveAction offers various pricing options, including LiveNX WAN Perpetual License and LiveNX SMB Perpetual License.

LiveAction App Interface:

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Banner - LiveAction Alternative Page

7 Traditional Network End-to-End Monitoring Tools
7 Traditional Network End-to-End Monitoring Tools

Traditional network end-to-end monitoring tools take a holistic approach to monitor various components of your network infrastructure. In this section, we will delve into seven leading traditional network end-to-end monitoring tools that offer comprehensive visibility into your network. These tools enable you to monitor routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and other network devices. With their wide-ranging capabilities, including traffic analysis, performance tracking, and connectivity monitoring, these tools empower organizations to troubleshoot issues, optimize network performance, and ensure seamless communication across the entire network infrastructure.

1. PRTG Network Monitor
1. PRTG Network Monitor

A comprehensive IT management software solution that offers network bandwidth monitorin capabilities. It provides real-time traffic analysis, bandwidth usage reports, device tracking, and more. It can monitor a variety of network devices and applications and offers customizable alerts and notifications to keep users informed of network performance issues. PRTG offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and offers flexible deployment options.

PRTG App Interface:

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Banner - PRTG Alternative Page

2. Manage Engine OPManager
2. Manage Engine OPManager

A popular IT management software solution that offers network bandwidth monitoring capabilities. It provides real-time traffic analysis, bandwidth usage reports, device tracking, and more. It can monitor a range of network devices and applications and offers customizable alerts and notifications to keep users informed of network performance issues. OPManager offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including on-premises, hosted, or as a virtual appliance.

Manage Engine OPManager App Interface:

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3. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor
3. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

A comprehensive network performance monitoring tool that provides real-time visibility into network performance and health. It offers network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and real-time alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. SolarWinds offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and offers flexible deployment options.

SolarWinds App Interface:

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Discover how Obkio stands up against SolarWinds NPM as the simplest, most affordable SolarWinds alternative.

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4. ScienceLogic
4. ScienceLogic

An IT infrastructure monitoring and management platform that offers real-time visibility into network performance, health, and security. It provides network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and customizable alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. ScienceLogic offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including public and private cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

ScienceLogic App Interface:

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5. LogicMonitor
5. LogicMonitor

A cloud-based IT infrastructure monitoring and management platform that provides real-time visibility into network performance and health. It offers network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and real-time alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. LogicMonitor offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including public and private cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

LogicMonitor App Interface:

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Banner - LogicMonitor Alternative Page

6. Auvik
6. Auvik

A cloud-based network monitoring and management tool that provides real-time visibility into network performance, health, and security. It offers network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and customizable alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. Auvik offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including public and private cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

Auvik App Interface:

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7. Progress WhatsUp Gold
7. Progress WhatsUp Gold

An IT infrastructure monitoring and management platform that offers network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and customizable alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. It provides real-time visibility into network performance and health and offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including public and private cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

Progress WhatsUpGold App Interface:

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Personalized CTA - Whatsup Gold Alt

5 Open-Source or Free Network End-to-End Monitoring Tools
5 Open-Source or Free Network End-to-End Monitoring Tools

For organizations seeking cost-effective yet powerful solutions for network end-to-end monitoring, open-source or free tools present an attractive option. In this section, we will explore five notable open-source or free network end-to-end monitoring tools. These tools leverage the advantages of open-source frameworks, offering customizable and flexible monitoring capabilities. From network monitoring and log analysis to synthetic transactions and customizable dashboards, these tools cater to diverse monitoring requirements while keeping budgets in check.

1. Nagios XI
1. Nagios XI

Nagios XI is a popular IT infrastructure monitoring solution that provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities for networks, systems, and applications. It offers real-time alerting, reporting, and customizable dashboards to help users quickly identify and resolve issues. Nagios XI also includes cloud monitoring capabilities, allowing users to monitor cloud-based infrastructure, such as AWS and Azure, along with on-premises infrastructure. It provides insights into cloud resource usage, performance, and availability, and supports monitoring of cloud services such as RDS, S3, and EC2.

Nagios XI App Interface:

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2. LibreNMS
2. LibreNMS

LibreNMS is a free and open-source network monitoring solution that provides auto-discovery, alerting, and reporting capabilities. It offers support for a wide range of devices and protocols, including SNMP, syslog, and ICMP. LibreNMS also includes cloud monitoring capabilities, allowing users to monitor cloud-based infrastructure, such as AWS and Azure, along with on-premises infrastructure. It provides insights into cloud resource usage, performance, and availability, and supports monitoring of cloud services such as EC2 and RDS.

LibreNMS App Interface:

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3. Zabbix
3. Zabbix

Zabbix is an enterprise-grade monitoring solution that offers a wide range of monitoring capabilities, including network, server, and application monitoring. It provides real-time alerting, reporting, and customizable dashboards to help users quickly identify and resolve issues. Zabbix also includes cloud monitoring capabilities, allowing users to monitor cloud-based infrastructure, such as AWS and Azure, along with on-premises infrastructure. It provides insights into cloud resource usage, performance, and availability, and supports monitoring of cloud services such as EC2, RDS, and ELB.

Zabbix App Interface:

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4. Open NMS
4. Open NMS

OpenNMS is a free and open-source network monitoring solution that provides auto-discovery, alerting, and reporting capabilities. It offers support for a wide range of devices and protocols, including SNMP, syslog, and ICMP. OpenNMS also includes cloud monitoring capabilities, allowing users to monitor cloud-based infrastructure, such as AWS and Azure, along with on-premises infrastructure. It provides insights into cloud resource usage, performance, and availability, and supports monitoring of cloud services such as EC2 and RDS. OpenNMS also offers a Kubernetes plugin that allows users to monitor Kubernetes clusters and their components.

OpenNMS App Interface:

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5. Icinga
5. Icinga

An open-source network monitoring and management tool that provides real-time visibility into network performance and health. It offers network device monitoring, traffic analysis, and customizable alerts and notifications to help identify and troubleshoot network issues. Icinga offers cloud-based network monitoring services that allow users to monitor their network from anywhere and provides a range of deployment options, including public and private cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

Icinga App Interface:

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6 Application Performance Monitoring Tools with End-to-End Monitoring
6 Application Performance Monitoring Tools with End-to-End Monitoring

When it comes to monitoring the performance of your applications from end to end, specialized Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools play a vital role. In this section, we will discuss six APM tools with end-to-end monitoring capabilities that empower organizations to gain deep insights into application behavior, code-level performance, and user experience. These tools provide a comprehensive view of your application stack, including user interfaces, backend services, and databases. With their advanced features such as transaction tracing, code-level diagnostics, and real-user monitoring, these tools help optimize application performance, troubleshoot issues, and deliver an exceptional user experience.

1. Datadog
1. Datadog

Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that provides monitoring, alerting, tracing, and logging capabilities for applications and infrastructure. It offers full-stack observability with support for over 450 integrations across more than 150 technologies, including AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, and Docker. Datadog's cloud monitoring services enable users to collect and analyze data from across their entire stack, providing deep insights into system performance and helping them troubleshoot issues quickly.

Datadog App Interface:

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2. AppDynamics
2. AppDynamics

AppDynamics is an application performance monitoring (APM) solution that provides real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact. It provides end-to-end visibility across application environments, including cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments, enabling users to quickly identify and resolve issues before they impact end-users. AppDynamics' cloud monitoring services allow users to monitor their applications, microservices, and APIs in real-time and track performance metrics such as response times, error rates, and resource utilization.

AppDynamics App Interface:

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3. Dynatrace
3. Dynatrace

Dynatrace is an APM and digital experience management (DEM) solution that provides real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact. It uses AI-powered automation to detect anomalies and performance issues, providing root cause analysis and recommendations for remediation. Dynatrace's cloud monitoring services allow users to monitor their applications and infrastructure across cloud, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments, providing visibility into cloud provider-specific metrics such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Dynatrace App Interface:

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4. Splunk
4. Splunk

Splunk is a cloud-based platform that provides monitoring, logging, and analytics capabilities for applications and infrastructure. It offers machine learning-driven insights and predictive analytics for detecting and resolving issues, and provides support for over 300 integrations across multiple technology stacks. Splunk's cloud monitoring services allow users to monitor their entire stack, from infrastructure to application performance, and analyze data in real-time to identify issues and troubleshoot problems.

Splunk App Interface:

splunk end-to-end monitoring tools screenshot 1

5. New Relic
5. New Relic

New Relic is an APM solution that provides real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact. It offers support for multiple languages, frameworks, and environments, including cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments, and provides customizable dashboards and alerts for tracking performance metrics. New Relic's cloud monitoring services enable users to monitor their entire stack, including applications, infrastructure, and logs, and provides out-of-the-box integrations with popular cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.

New Relic App Interface:

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6. Elastic Observability
6. Elastic Observability

Elastic Observability is a cloud-based monitoring and network observability solution that provides real-time insights into application performance, infrastructure, and logs. It offers support for multiple technologies and integrations, including AWS, Azure, and GCP, and provides customizable dashboards and alerts for tracking performance metrics. Elastic Observability's cloud monitoring services enable users to monitor their entire stack, from infrastructure to application performance, and analyze data in real-time to identify issues and troubleshoot problems.

Elastic Observability App Interface:

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6 Packet Capture High-Security Network End-to-End Monitoring
6 Packet Capture High-Security Network End-to-End Monitoring

In high-security environments, monitoring network traffic and ensuring compliance with security and regulatory requirements is of utmost importance. Packet capture-based monitoring tools offer a robust solution for end-to-end monitoring in such scenarios. In this section, we will explore six packet capture high-security network end-to-end monitoring tools. These tools capture and analyze network packets flowing through your infrastructure, providing granular insights into network behavior, application performance, and potential security threats. With their ability to capture packets at various points in the network, these tools facilitate traffic analysis, performance optimization, and compliance adherence in security-sensitive environments.

1. Ixia/Keysight Network Monitoring
1. Ixia/Keysight Network Monitoring

Ixia/Keysight Network Monitoring provides network visibility and security solutions to enterprises and service providers. Their cloud network monitoring solution offers visibility into public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. It provides packet-level visibility, performance monitoring, and security analysis of network traffic in the cloud. The solution can be deployed as a virtual machine or on-premises appliance.

Ixia/Keysight App Interface:

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2. Viavi Observer Solutions
2. Viavi Observer Solutions

Viavi Observer Solutions offers a comprehensive network performance management solution for enterprises, service providers, and government agencies. Their cloud network monitoring solution provides end-to-end visibility across hybrid cloud environments. It offers real-time analytics and diagnostics of cloud network performance, identifying and resolving issues before they impact users. The solution is available as a SaaS or on-premises deployment.

Viavi Solutions App Interface:

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3. Gigamon
3. Gigamon

Gigamon provides a cloud visibility and analytics platform for monitoring and securing hybrid cloud environments. Their cloud network monitoring solution offers real-time visibility into network traffic across public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. It enables IT teams to monitor and optimize network performance, detect and respond to security threats, and ensure compliance. The solution can be deployed as a physical or virtual appliance, or as a SaaS offering.

Gigamon App Interface:

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4. Netscout nGeniusOne
4. Netscout nGeniusOne

Netscout nGeniusOne is a network and application performance management solution for enterprises and service providers. Their cloud network monitoring solution offers end-to-end visibility into multi-cloud environments, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. It provides real-time analytics and diagnostics of network performance, ensuring that applications are running smoothly and user experience is optimized. The solution is available as a SaaS or on-premises deployment.

Netscout nGeniusOne App Interface:

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5. Extrahop Revealx
5. Extrahop Revealx

Extrahop Revealx is a cloud-native network detection and response (NDR) solution for securing hybrid cloud environments. Their cloud network monitoring solution provides full visibility into network traffic, detecting and responding to security threats in real-time. It offers automated threat detection and response, ensuring that IT teams can quickly remediate security incidents before they cause damage. The solution is available as a SaaS offering.

Extrahop Revealx App Interface:

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6. Skylight
6. Skylight

Skylight is a cloud-native network and application performance monitoring solution for enterprises and service providers. Their cloud network monitoring solution offers real-time visibility into network traffic across multi-cloud environments. It provides end-to-end network performance monitoring, ensuring that applications are running smoothly and user experience is optimized. The solution can be deployed as a SaaS or on-premises deployment.

Skylight App Interface:

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skylight end-to-end monitoring tools screenshot 3

End-to-End Monitoring Made Easy: Obkio - Your 10-Minute Setup Solution
End-to-End Monitoring Made Easy: Obkio - Your 10-Minute Setup Solution

In conclusion, we hope that our exploration of the top 30 end-to-end monitoring tools has provided valuable insights for your research. The world of comprehensive visibility and proactive management can be complex, but with the right tools, you can navigate it successfully.

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If you are seeking an easy-to-use and quick setup solution, we invite you to consider Obkio. Our product-focused team is dedicated to simplifying network monitoring, allowing you to get up and running within just 10 minutes. We believe in providing a seamless experience without any salesy strings attached. Our goal is to empower you with a straightforward and effective monitoring solution that meets your needs.

Feel free to explore Obkio and discover how our user-friendly approach can streamline your network monitoring journey. We're here to help you achieve comprehensive visibility and proactive management effortlessly.

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This page is compiled from the information available on the software’s official website. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this article. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Obkio is not liable for any inaccuracies in the article due to changes made on their websites or any development made to their products after the date of publication of this article. Please refer to their websites for more information.

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