Remote network monitoring is the process of monitoring and managing network resources and activity from a remote location using software and tools that allow network administrators to monitor network performance, troubleshoot problems, and ensure that the network is secure and operating efficiently.

With remote network monitoring, network administrators can access network devices, such as routers, switches, servers, and firewalls, from a central location, allowing them to monitor and manage the network remotely. This enables administrators to quickly identify and resolve network issues, such as connectivity problems, network congestion, and security breaches, before they affect network performance and user productivity.

Remote network monitoring can be done using a variety of tools, such as network monitoring software, network analyzers, and remote access tools, among others. These tools can provide real-time visibility into network performance, allowing administrators to monitor network traffic, analyze network data, and troubleshoot issues from anywhere, at any time.

In today's digital age, networks have become an essential component of every organization's IT infrastructure. As such, ensuring the network is secure, efficient, and reliable is critical to the success of any business. Remote network monitoring tools are designed to help organizations achieve these goals by providing real-time monitoring, alerting, and troubleshooting capabilities from a central location. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a remote network monitoring software for your business and how it can help improve network performance, security, and reliability.

The Benefits of Using a Remote Network Monitoring Tool for Your Business
The Benefits of Using a Remote Network Monitoring Tool for Your Business

In today's digital age, networks have become an essential component of every organization's IT infrastructure. As such, ensuring the network is secure, efficient, and reliable is critical to the success of any business. Remote network monitoring software are designed to help organizations achieve these goals by providing real-time monitoring, alerting, and troubleshooting capabilities from a central location.

In this section, we will explore the benefits of using a remote network monitoring tool for your business and how it can help improve network performance, security, and reliability.

What is Remote Network Monitoring?

Unleash the power of remote network monitoring! Discover the benefits, techniques, and be a network superhero with Obkio. Monitor, optimize, and conquer!

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There are several reasons why an organization would use a remote network monitoring tool, including:

  1. Proactive Remote Network Monitoring: Remote network monitoring tools provide real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities that enable IT professionals to proactively identify and address potential network issues before they cause significant problems.
  2. Improved Network Performance: By monitoring network traffic, remote network monitoring tools can help IT professionals identify and address issues related to network congestion and bandwidth utilization, resulting in improved network performance and user productivity.
  3. Enhanced Network Security: Remote network monitoring tools can detect and alert IT professionals to potential security threats and vulnerabilities, allowing them to take corrective action before a security breach occurs.
  4. Reduced Downtime: Remote network monitoring tools can help IT professionals quickly diagnose and resolve network issues, reducing network downtime and minimizing the impact on business operations.
  5. Centralized Management: With remote network monitoring tools, IT professionals can monitor and manage network resources and devices from a central location, regardless of their physical location or the location of the network devices, making it easier to manage large and complex networks.

Overall, using a remote network monitoring software can help organizations improve network performance, increase security, and reduce downtime, ultimately leading to a more efficient and productive IT infrastructure.

When it comes to network monitoring, there are two primary types of solutions: remote and server-based.

Server-Based vs Remote Network Monitoring: Which is Right for Your Business?
Server-Based vs Remote Network Monitoring: Which is Right for Your Business?

Remote network monitoring tools are typically cloud-based solutions that provide real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities from a remote location. These tools can monitor network devices and resources from anywhere in the world, providing IT professionals with the flexibility and scalability they need to manage large and complex networks. Remote network monitoring tools are also typically subscription-based, making them an affordable and accessible solution for businesses of all sizes.

On the other hand, server-based network monitoring software are typically installed on a server or other network device within the organization's IT infrastructure. These solutions are often more customizable and offer more granular control over network monitoring settings and configurations. However, server-based solutions can also be more expensive to implement and maintain, as they require dedicated hardware and IT resources to manage.

Ultimately, the choice between remote and server-based network monitoring will depend on the specific needs and budget of the organization. Remote network monitoring tools can provide a cost-effective solution for businesses that require real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities from a central location, while server-based solutions may be more appropriate for organizations that require greater control and customization over their network monitoring software.

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Discovering the Best Network Performance Monitoring Software: A Comprehensive Guide
Discovering the Best Network Performance Monitoring Software: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to remote network monitoring tools, it can be tough to find unbiased information. Many lists are controlled by big players in the industry, leaving smaller, lesser-known solutions in the dust.

That's why we've created a non-biased list of remote network monitoring tools, organized into different categories based on their capabilities.

Whether you're looking for cloud-based solutions or on-premises options, we've got you covered. So let's dive in and explore the world of remote network monitoring!

  • Pure Network Performance Monitoring Software: These software solutions are all about monitoring network performance, providing detailed reports and insights into network performance metrics like latency, packet loss, and bandwidth utilization. They're perfect for those who want to focus solely on network performance monitoring and analysis.
  • Traditional Network Monitoring Software: These software solutions offer a broader range of network management capabilities, including network performance monitoring, device configuration, and troubleshooting. They're ideal for those who need to manage and monitor multiple aspects of their IT infrastructure.
  • Open-Source Network Monitoring Software: These free and open-source software solutions offer a high degree of flexibility and can be customized to meet specific needs. However, they often require more technical expertise to set up and maintain.
  • All-In-One IT Software Editors: These software solutions provide a comprehensive suite of IT management software, including network performance monitoring, device management, security management, and more. They're perfect for those who want a single platform for managing all aspects of their IT infrastructure.
  • Packet Capture-Based Network Monitoring Software: These software solutions capture and analyze network traffic at the packet level, providing detailed insights into network performance and security issues. They're particularly useful for troubleshooting complex network issues and identifying security threats.

We hope this comprehensive list of remote network monitoring tools will help you better understand the different options available for managing and monitoring your network performance.

However, we also acknowledge that the network monitoring landscape is constantly evolving, and new vendors and solutions may emerge. If you are a network monitoring vendor and would like to be considered for this list, or if you are a vendor already on the list and would like to make any updates or changes, please reach out to us at, and we will be happy to update the list accordingly.

Remember, choosing the right remote network monitoring software can make a big difference in optimizing your network performance and ensuring the availability of your critical applications. So, take your time, evaluate your options, and select the tool that best meets your organization's specific needs and priorities.

Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting for Remote Workers with SPI Health and Safety

Learn how SPI Health and Safety uses Obkio to monitor network performance and troubleshoot performance issues for remote call center employees.

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The Detective vs. The Doctor: Exploring the Differences Between Traditional Remote Network Monitoring and Remote Network Performance Monitoring
The Detective vs. The Doctor: Exploring the Differences Between Traditional Remote Network Monitoring and Remote Network Performance Monitoring

Think of traditional remote network monitoring like having a doctor who can give you a general check-up - they can tell you if something's wrong, but not necessarily what's causing the problem. Traditional monitoring tools focus on providing a broad view of network activity, detecting potential issues such as network congestion or device failures, and keeping an eye on the overall health of your network.

Remote network performance monitoring, on the other hand, is like having a detective on the case! It analyzes network traffic in real-time to identify performance bottlenecks and diagnose issues, using packet analysis techniques and flow data analysis to give you a granular view of network activity. It's like having x-ray vision for your network!

While traditional remote network monitoring tools may be sufficient for ensuring network availability and identifying potential issues, remote network performance monitoring is necessary to optimize network performance and diagnose performance issues. So, if you want to take your network monitoring game to the next level, it's time to call in the detectives!

I. Traditional Remote Network Monitoring Software
I. Traditional Remote Network Monitoring Software

Traditional remote network monitoring software, such as those that rely on Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), provide a broad view of network activity and detect potential issues like network congestion or device failures. They typically focus on monitoring the overall health of a network rather than specific performance metrics.

Examples of traditional remote network monitoring tools include SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor and ManageEngine OpManager, which offer features like network topology mapping and event logging.

Traditional remote network monitoring software may be sufficient for organizations that prioritize network availability and identifying potential issues, while remote network performance monitoring is necessary for organizations that want to optimize network performance and diagnose intermittent performance issues.

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II. Remote Network Monitoring Tools
II. Remote Network Monitoring Tools

Remote network performance monitoring tools, such as those that use packet analysis techniques and flow data analysis, provide detailed insights into network performance metrics like latency, packet loss, and bandwidth utilization. These tools can identify performance bottlenecks and diagnose issues, providing a granular view of network activity that traditional monitoring tools may lack.

Remote network performance monitoring tools may be better suited for modern network architectures and complex environments, as they can provide detailed insights into network activity and support hybrid IT environments.

Examples of remote network performance monitoring tools include Obkio, Kentik, ThousandEyes and AppNeta, which focus on real-time monitoring of performance metrics like bandwidth, latency, and packet loss

So, if you want to take a proactive approach to network monitoring and ensure optimal performance, consider remote network performance monitoring tools that can give you a granular view of network activity and diagnose performance issues in real-time.

Top 6 Remote Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) Tools for Effective Monitoring
Top 6 Remote Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) Tools for Effective Monitoring

Remote network performance monitoring tools are essential for managing modern IT infrastructures, providing advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to help organizations make informed decisions about their network infrastructure. These specialized solutions focus solely on network performance monitoring, using agent-based solutions and synthetic testing to diagnose and troubleshoot issues in real-time.

In this section, we'll explore the top six remote network performance monitoring tools that specialize in network performance monitoring. Each solution offers unique features and capabilities that differentiate themselves based on the complexity of the solution, providing options for businesses of all sizes.

Join us as we take a closer look at what makes these six remote network performance monitoring tools stand out, and how they can help organizations maximize their network performance.

1. Obkio: A User-Friendly, Powerful Remote Network Performance Monitoring Tool
1. Obkio: A User-Friendly, Powerful Remote Network Performance Monitoring Tool

Obkio is a powerful remote network performance monitoring tool that is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of implementation. This tool provides detailed insights into network performance metrics such as latency, packet loss, and bandwidth utilization, and uses synthetic tests to diagnose performance issues in real-time.

One of the standout features of Obkio is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for IT professionals to navigate and use. The tool also offers a straightforward implementation process, allowing businesses to get up and running quickly without requiring extensive technical knowledge or resources.

Obkio’s Remote Network Monitoring App Home Page

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Obkio is a proud member of this group, leveraging their 20 years of experience in the telecom industry and 5 years of active presence in the NPM market to provide a modern and comprehensive network performance monitoring tool.

With their sleek and user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and deep insights into network performance, Obkio is designed for performance and looks pretty cool too.

Whether you're looking to optimize performance or prevent downtime, Obkio is a pure play NPM player that can satisfy even the most discerning diners.

The Obkio platform is designed to have a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and access the network monitoring and testing features. The interface is intuitive and provides real-time insights into network performance, enabling users to detect and troubleshoot network issues quickly.

Obkio’s Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Home Page

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Agent Details

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Network Session Page

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Data Center Dynamic Dashboard

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Branch Dynamic Dashboard

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Branch Dashboard

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Visual Traceroutes

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Thresholds

Obkio Remote Network Monitoring Sofware Notifications

Obkio measures every end of your network, from your LAN to your WAN, using Network Monitoring Agents. You can deploy Agents in all your branch offices, remote locations, data centers, Clouds and over the Internet. It can also support all network types.

Want to start monitoring remote, end-to-end network performance? Get started with Obkio's free 14-day trial in just 10 minutes!

  • 14-day free trial of all premium features
  • Deploy in just 10 minutes
  • Monitor performance in all key network locations
  • Measure real-time network metrics
  • Identify and troubleshoot live network problems
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In addition to its technical capabilities, Obkio is also known for its friendly and not-salesy staff. The team at Obkio is dedicated to providing exceptional customer support and working collaboratively with clients to ensure their network performance monitoring needs are met.

Overall, Obkio is a highly effective remote network performance monitoring tool that combines powerful technical capabilities with a user-friendly interface, ease of implementation, and friendly customer support.

Here are the others Remote Network Performance Monitoring Software:

2. Kentik
2. Kentik

Kentik is a comprehensive remote network performance monitoring platform that includes network traffic analysis, network performance monitoring, and security analytics. Features include real-time traffic analysis, anomaly detection, and customizable dashboards.

Read our full overview of Kentik >

kentik network monitoring tool screenshot 1

See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against Kentik as the #1 Kentik Alternative.

Banner - Kentik Alternative Page

3. ThousandEyes
3. ThousandEyes

ThousandEyes is a cloud-based remote network performance monitoring solution that provides real-time insights into network performance and user experience across the internet, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures. Features include network performance metrics, internet outage detection, and synthetic transaction monitoring.

Read our full overview of ThousandEyes >

thousandeyes remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against ThousandEyes as the best ThousandEyes Alternative.

Banner - ThousandEyes Alternative Page

4. AppNeta
4. AppNeta

AppNeta is a remote network performance monitoring solution that provides end-to-end visibility across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid networks. Features include packet-level network analysis, real-time network performance monitoring, and user experience monitoring.

Read our full overview of AppNeta >

appneta network monitoring tool screenshot 1

See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against Appneta as the ultimate Appneta Alternative.

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5. Catchpoint
5. Catchpoint

Catchpoint is a remote network performance monitoring platform that provides end-to-end monitoring of network performance, user experience, and application performance. Features include synthetic transaction monitoring, real user monitoring, and customizable dashboards.

Read our full overview of Catchpoint >

catchpoint network monitoring tool screenshot 1

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6. LiveAction
6. LiveAction

LiveAction is an all-in-one remote network performance monitoring solution that includes network performance monitoring, application performance monitoring, and security analytics. Features include real-time network performance monitoring, network flow analysis, and root cause analysis.

Read our full overview of LiveAction >

live action livenx network monitoring tool screenshot 1

Banner - LiveAction Alternative Page

These remote network performance monitoring tools provide businesses with comprehensive insights into their network performance, allowing them to identify and remediate performance issues in real-time.

Each solution offers unique features and capabilities that differentiate themselves based on the complexity of the solution, providing options for businesses with varying needs.

8 Top IT Management Platforms and Traditional Remote Network Monitoring Software
8 Top IT Management Platforms and Traditional Remote Network Monitoring Software

Keeping an eye on your remote network performance can be a real challenge, but with the right tools and platforms, you can stay on top of things like a pro! IT management platforms and network monitoring tools are your go-to resources for real-time visibility into network performance metrics, alerting capabilities, and other advanced features to help you diagnose and fix network performance issues.

In this section, we'll show you the 8 best IT management platforms and remote network monitoring tools. These solutions offer a range of features and capabilities to keep an eye on your network activity in real-time, support a variety of devices and protocols, and offer scalability to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes.

By taking a close look at these solutions and comparing their features, capabilities, and scalability, you'll be able to choose the one that best suits your organization's unique needs and priorities for remote network performance monitoring and management.

Below is the list of the 8 best IT management platforms that either provide fully-remote software or cloud options or are hosted for their remote network monitoring solutions.

1. LogicMonitor
1. LogicMonitor

LogicMonitor is a cloud-based network monitoring solution is like a superhero that can spot network performance issues before they even happen! It includes pre-configured dashboards and reporting capabilities to help administrators stay on top of things.

Read our full overview of LogicMonitor >

logic monitor network monitoring tool screenshot 1

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2. Auvik
2. Auvik

Looking for a remote network monitoring solution that's as easy to use as a vending machine? Look no further than Auvik, a cloud-based tool that provides real-time visibility into network performance metrics and device discovery capabilities.

Read our full overview of Auvik >

auvik remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

3. Progress WhatsUpGold
3. Progress WhatsUpGold

This remote network monitoring solution is like having a personal assistant who never takes a day off! It provides real-time visibility into network performance metrics and alerting capabilities, with automated network discovery and topology mapping features.

Read our full overview of Progress WhatsUp Gold >

progress whatsupgold remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

4. Manage Engine OPManager
4. Manage Engine OPManager

This all-in-one network management solution is like a Swiss Army knife for your network performance monitoring needs! It includes network performance monitoring, configuration management, and network mapping capabilities, along with automated workflows and root cause analysis features.

Read our full overview of Manage Engine >

manage engine op manager network monitoring 2

Banner - ManageEngine Alternative Page

5. PRTG Network Monitor
5. PRTG Network Monitor

If you're looking for a remote network monitoring solution that's as comprehensive as an encyclopedia, look no further than PRTG Network Monitor! This tool provides real-time monitoring of network performance metrics and alerting capabilities, with a wide range of monitoring options and support for various devices and protocols.

Read our full overview of PRTG >

prtg remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

Banner - PRTG Alternative Page

6. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor
6. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

This scalable onsite and remote network monitoring solution is like a traffic cop that keeps your network running smoothly! It provides real-time visibility into network performance metrics and alerts, with advanced network traffic analysis capabilities and root cause analysis features.

Read our full overview of SolarWinds >

solarwind network monitoring screenshot 1

Discover how Obkio stands up against SolarWinds NPM as the simplest, most affordable SolarWinds alternative.

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7. ScienceLogic
7. ScienceLogic

This comprehensive remote network performance monitoring solution is like a detective that can solve the most complex network performance issues! It provides real-time visibility into network performance metrics and integrates with other IT management platforms, with root cause analysis capabilities and support for hybrid IT environments.

Read our full overview of SScienceLogic

science logic remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

8. Icinga
8. Icinga

This open-source remote network monitoring solution is like a blank canvas that you can customize to your heart's content! It provides real-time monitoring of network performance metrics and supports a variety of plugins and integrations, with customizable dashboards and reporting capabilities.

Read our full overview of Icinga >

icinga remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

These solutions offer a range of features and capabilities for network performance monitoring and management. By evaluating them based on your specific needs and priorities, you can select the solution that provides the functionality and scalability you require.

6 All-In-One IT Management Tools That Will Make You Feel Like a Network Superhero
6 All-In-One IT Management Tools That Will Make You Feel Like a Network Superhero

As organizations increasingly rely on applications to support their operations, it's becoming more and more important to have effective network management in one place. Those solutions can help ensure optimal performance and user experience by providing real-time visibility into application performance metrics and identifying potential issues that could impact performance.

While they may come at a higher price point, these all-in-one IT management tools offer a plethora of features and capabilities beyond network monitoring, making them a valuable investment for organizations seeking comprehensive solutions.

But did you know that some all-in-one IT software solutions also offer network performance monitoring tools or modules? That's right - these solutions provide a comprehensive approach to network performance monitoring and management, allowing administrators to keep an eye on both application and network performance from a single platform.

In this section, we'll take a look at the 6 best all-in-one APM tools with network performance monitoring tools or modules. These solutions offer a range of features and capabilities, including real-time monitoring of network performance metrics, application performance monitoring, alerting capabilities, and root cause analysis.

So, whether you're a network performance monitoring pro or just getting started, these all-in-one solutions have got you covered. Let's dive in and find the perfect tool for your organization's unique needs and priorities!

Here are the 6 best all-in-one tools with network performance monitoring capabilities, spiced up with some fun:

1. Datadog
1. Datadog

This cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform is like a personal assistant for your network performance! It provides real-time visibility into application and network performance metrics, with APM and network performance monitoring capabilities, customizable dashboards, and automated alerting features.

Read our full overview of Datadog >

datadog remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

2. AppDynamics
2. AppDynamics

Looking for an APM solution that's as sharp as a detective's eye? Look no further than AppDynamics, which provides real-time monitoring of application performance metrics and includes network performance monitoring capabilities. It includes advanced analytics and root cause analysis features to help administrators quickly diagnose and remediate issues.

Read our full overview of AppDynamics >

appdynamics remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

3. Dynatrace
3. Dynatrace

This AI-powered APM solution is like having a genius on your side when it comes to network performance monitoring! It provides real-time monitoring of application performance metrics and includes network performance monitoring capabilities. It includes automated root cause analysis and remediation features, customizable dashboards, and reporting capabilities.

Read our full overview of Dynatrace >

dynatrace network monitoring software logo

4. Splunk
4. Splunk

This all-in-one platform is like a Swiss Army knife for your network performance monitoring needs! It provides real-time monitoring of application and network performance metrics, including APM and network performance monitoring capabilities. It includes advanced analytics and reporting features, customizable dashboards, and automated alerting capabilities.

Read our full overview of Splunk >

splunk remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

5. New Relic
5. New Relic

This cloud-based APM solution is like a lifeguard for your network performance, always ready to jump in and save the day! It provides real-time monitoring of application performance metrics and includes network performance monitoring capabilities. It includes root cause analysis features, customizable dashboards, and reporting capabilities.

Read our full overview of New Relic >

new relic network monitoring tool screenshot 1

6. Elastic Observability
6. Elastic Observability

This cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform is like having your very own team of superheroes on call! It provides real-time monitoring of application and network performance metrics, with APM and network performance monitoring capabilities, machine learning-based root cause analysis features, and customizable dashboards.

Read our full overview of Elastic Observability >

elastic observability network monitoring tool screenshot 1

In conclusion, these 6 all-in-one tools with network performance monitoring capabilities offer a comprehensive approach to network performance monitoring and management, allowing administrators to keep a watchful eye on both application and network performance from a single platform.

Each solution has its unique features, capabilities, and scalability, making it essential to evaluate them carefully based on your organization's specific needs and priorities for network and application performance monitoring and management. With the right tool in place, you can ensure optimal network and application performance, delivering a smooth user experience and keeping your business running smoothly.

Exploring Other Options: Open-Source and Packet Capture-Based Technologies for Self-Hosted Network Monitoring
Exploring Other Options: Open-Source and Packet Capture-Based Technologies for Self-Hosted Network Monitoring

Looking for even more network monitoring options? In addition to traditional remote network monitoring and remote network performance monitoring, there are other solutions that can provide effective network monitoring capabilities.

These solutions include open-source network monitoring tools and packet capture-based technologies, which offer a customizable approach to network monitoring. While most of these solutions are on-premises and require hosting, they can still be used for remote network monitoring.

In the following section, we'll explore these solutions and the benefits they offer for remote network monitoring

The Fantastic 4: Open-Source Network Monitoring Software
The Fantastic 4: Open-Source Network Monitoring Software

Are you tired of expensive network monitoring solutions that tie you down? Look no further than open-source network monitoring tools! These cost-effective tools provide real-time monitoring of network performance metrics, event logging, and alerting capabilities. The best part? Most of these solutions are on-premises and require hosting on your own hardware, giving you the freedom to customize to your heart's content!

In this section, we'll explore the best 4 open-source network monitoring tools that pack a punch when it comes to network performance monitoring. From customizable dashboards to reporting capabilities, these tools offer a range of features and capabilities to meet your organization's specific needs and priorities for network performance monitoring.

By evaluating these open-source network monitoring tools based on their features, capabilities, and community support, you can choose the tool that best fits your organization's needs. With these fantastic 4 solutions, you can say goodbye to expensive and inflexible network monitoring tools and embrace a cost-effective and scalable approach to network monitoring. So, let's dive in and unleash the power of open-source network monitoring!

1. Nagios XI
1. Nagios XI

Ready to take your network monitoring to the next level? Nagios XI has got your back! This enterprise-grade solution provides real-time monitoring of network performance metrics and alerting capabilities, along with support for a wide range of devices and protocols. Plus, with customizable dashboards and reporting capabilities, you'll be the king or queen of network monitoring!

Read our full overview of Nagios XI >

nagios xi remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

Banner - Nagios Alt

2. LibreNMS
2. LibreNMS

Let's hear it for the community-driven network monitoring tool that packs a punch! LibreNMS provides real-time monitoring of network performance metrics and event logging, along with support for a variety of devices and protocols. And with customizable dashboards and reporting capabilities, you can make it your own and show off your network monitoring prowess!

Read our full overview of LibreNMS >

libre nms remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

Banner - LibreNMS Alt

3. Zabbix
3. Zabbix

Looking for a comprehensive network monitoring solution that has it all? Zabbix is here to save the day! With real-time monitoring of network performance metrics, alerting capabilities, and advanced reporting features, this tool has everything you need to monitor your network like a pro. Plus, with support for a wide range of devices and protocols and customizable dashboards, you can make it your own and keep your network in tip-top shape.

Read our full overview of Zabbix >

zabbix remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

Banner - Zabbix Alt

4. OpenNMS
4. OpenNMS

Say hello to the scalable network monitoring solution that can handle it all! OpenNMS provides real-time monitoring of network performance metrics and alerting capabilities, along with support for a variety of devices and protocols. And with automated network discovery and mapping, customizable dashboards, and reporting capabilities, you can take control of your network monitoring and make it work for you!

Read our full overview of OpenNMS >

opennms network monitoring software logo

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The Super Six: Packet Capture-Based Technologies for High Security IT Network Monitoring
The Super Six: Packet Capture-Based Technologies for High Security IT Network Monitoring

Let's face it, the internet can be a wild and dangerous place. But fear not, packet capture-based technologies are here to save the day! These superhero solutions provide deep packet inspection capabilities to identify potential security threats and monitor network traffic for any sketchy behavior.

In this section, we're gonna show you the top six packet capture-based technologies that will keep your network safe and sound! These solutions offer real-time visibility into network traffic, advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, and automated alerting features that'll make sure you're always in the know when it comes to security threats.

By taking a closer look at these solutions and evaluating their features, capabilities, and scalability, you'll be able to select the tool that best fits your organization's needs and priorities for IT security network monitoring. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can rest easy knowing that you've got everything you need to detect and remedy security threats before they cause any real damage.

1. Ixia/Keysight Network Performance Monitoring Tool
1. Ixia/Keysight Network Performance Monitoring Tool

A real-time traffic superhero that includes advanced packet capture and analysis capabilities. With customizable dashboards and reporting features, it's sure to save the day!

Read our full overview of Ixia/Keysight Network Monitoring >

ixia remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

2. Viavi Observer Solutions
2. Viavi Observer Solutions

This network monitoring solution provides real-time visibility into network traffic and packs a powerful punch with its packet capture and analysis capabilities. With advanced analytics and automated alerting, it's a true hero in the network world.

Read our full overview of Viavi Observer Solutions >

viavi remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

3. Gigamon
3. Gigamon

This network monitoring tool provides real-time visibility into network traffic and uses packet capture and analysis to save the day. With customizable dashboards and automated alerting, it's sure to be your network's hero.

Read our full overview of Gigamon >

gigamon remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

4. Netscout nGeniusOne
4. Netscout nGeniusOne

This network monitoring tool is a real-time traffic superhero with advanced packet capture and analysis capabilities. With its advanced analytics and reporting features, it's sure to save the day for your network.

Read our full overview of Netscout nGeniusOne >

netscout remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

5. Extrahop Revealx
5. Extrahop Revealx

This network monitoring tool is a superhero that uses machine learning-based analytics to monitor network traffic in real-time. With its advanced reporting features and customizable dashboards, it's sure to be your network's hero.

Read our full overview of Extrahop Revealx >

extrahop remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

6. Accedian Skylight
6. Accedian Skylight

This network monitoring tool provides real-time visibility into network traffic and includes packet capture and analysis capabilities. With advanced analytics and automated alerting, it's sure to save the day for your network.

Read our full overview of Skylight >

skylight remote network monitoring software screenshot 1

Each of these packet capture-based technologies offers unique features and capabilities for effective high-level IT security network monitoring. By evaluating them based on your specific needs and priorities, you can select the tool that provides the functionality and scalability you require.

Top 30 Remote Network Monitoring Software for IT Professionals in 2023: Obkio - A Great Option to Get Started
Top 30 Remote Network Monitoring Software for IT Professionals in 2023: Obkio - A Great Option to Get Started

In conclusion, if you're an IT professional looking for top-notch remote network monitoring software in 2023, you've come to the right place. With so many great options out there, it can be tough to know where to start. But fear not, because we have you covered.

After extensive research, we've narrowed down the list to the best 30 remote network monitoring software options for you to consider. From large enterprise solutions to smaller startups, there's something for everyone on this list.

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But if you're looking for a great option to get started with remote network monitoring, we highly recommend Obkio. Not only do they offer a free trial so you can test the waters before committing, but they're also not the aggressive sales type that will lock you into a long-term contract.

So, why wait? Put on your virtual cape and embrace the power of remote network monitoring with Obkio.

  • 14-day free trial of all premium features
  • Deploy in just 10 minutes
  • Monitor performance in all key network locations
  • Measure real-time network metrics
  • Identify and troubleshoot live network problems
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This page is compiled from the information available on the software’s official website. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this article. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Obkio is not liable for any inaccuracies in the article due to changes made on their websites or any development made to their products after the date of publication of this article. Please refer to their websites for more information.

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Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting for Remote Workers with SPI Health and Safety