Tired of sifting through alternative options that only leave you more puzzled? We understand your frustration completely! It's incredibly frustrating when recommendations seem to be based on things like review counts, arbitrary algorithms, or paid promotions. We've all been there: a huge software company somehow labelled as the top alternative to a network performance monitoring tool, even though they have nothing in common. It just doesn't make sense!

But don't worry, because we've heard your call for clarity. We've taken matters into our own hands and put together this list with a different approach – one that actually makes sense. Get ready for a breath of fresh air as we reveal alternatives that have been handpicked to match the essential features and capabilities you're looking for. No more confusion, no more misleading rankings. It's time to clear the clutter and present you with options that truly meet your network performance monitoring needs.

So, strap in and get ready for an exciting journey as we introduce a thoughtfully selected lineup of Auvik alternatives that actually make sense. Armed with this newfound clarity, you can confidently navigate through your options and find the perfect fit for your requirements. Say goodbye to endless listings, and let's explore a world of alternatives that will reaffirm your trust in logic and reason!

How Do We Define Auvik for This Alternative List?
How Do We Define Auvik for This Alternative List?

Auvik is a cloud-based network management software known for its comprehensive suite of features. It encompasses network mapping, monitoring, and automation capabilities, making it a robust solution for organizations seeking efficient network management tools. Some of its key offerings include:

Network topology mapping
Network topology mapping

One of Auvik's standout features is its detailed network topology mapping, providing administrators with a comprehensive visualization of the entire network infrastructure. This includes both physical and logical topologies, presented in an interactive format that aids in understanding network connectivity and configuration.

MSP network management
MSP network management

Designed with managed service providers (MSPs) in mind, Auvik offers tailored features to streamline MSP workflows. Its multi-client management functionality is particularly advantageous for organizations serving multiple clients, allowing for efficient management and monitoring across different environments.

Proactive network monitoring
Proactive network monitoring

Auvik's proactive network monitoring capabilities ensure administrators stay on top of important network events through preconfigured alerts and notifications. Additionally, its service monitoring feature allows for inventorying and monitoring services running on various devices, providing context-aware data and rich statistics for improved network stability.

Troubleshooting network issues
Troubleshooting network issues

In terms of troubleshooting, Auvik provides comprehensive tools such as network evidence and debug data, aggregated in an easy-to-access location. Configuration management features enable administrators to track device configurations, perform configuration restores, and receive suggestions for performance and stability improvements.

Network visibility & security
Network visibility & security

Auvik TrafficInsight offers deep visibility into traffic flows across client networks, enhancing network monitoring capabilities. Furthermore, Auvik prioritizes security with features like password management, two-factor authentication, and role-based user access control.

Auvik is a versatile and comprehensive network management solution, particularly suitable for MSP environments. Its extensive feature set caters to the diverse needs of network administrators, providing the tools necessary for efficient network monitoring, management, and troubleshooting.

What is Network Performance Monitoring

Learn about network performance monitoring to optimize network performance. Discover key network metrics, tools & techniques & the benefits for businesses.

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Finding the Best Auvik Alternatives for Your Business
Finding the Best Auvik Alternatives for Your Business

With businesses increasingly relying on networks to drive their operations and communications, the demand for network performance monitoring tools has surged. Auvik emerges as a prominent player in this arena, offering comprehensive monitoring features. However, if Auvik doesn't quite meet your requirements, there are several alternatives worth considering.

In this article, we'll delve into some of the top alternatives to Auvik, providing a range of options to suit various needs. These alternatives include pure cloud-based solutions like Obkio and ThousandEyes, along with traditional cloud network monitoring tools such as SolarWinds and PRTG. Additionally, we'll explore other alternatives like AppNeta and Kentik, each presenting unique feature sets and pricing structures.

Our objective is to offer a brief yet informative overview of each alternative, highlighting their key features and benefits. We understand the importance of selecting the right network performance monitoring tool for your business, which is why we've meticulously assessed each option included in this list.

Whether you're seeking a more cost-effective solution, more specific features, or simply wish to explore alternatives to Auvik, we've got you covered. So let's embark on a journey to discover some of the best alternatives to Auvik and assist you in finding the ideal fit for your business.

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Watch Demo - Button

Top 29 Auvik Alternatives for Network Monitoring
Top 29 Auvik Alternatives for Network Monitoring

Are you seeking alternatives to Auvik for network monitoring in your business? You're in the right place! In this article, we'll delve into the top 29 alternatives to Auvik for network performance monitoring.

We'll explore a variety of software options similar to Auvik, including SolarWinds, ManageEngine, LogicMonitor, and PRTG. Additionally, we'll examine other alternatives that offer distinct features and advantages. From network monitoring solutions to open-source alternatives and even free tools, we'll cover a wide range of options to help you effectively monitor and optimize your network.

Our objective is to furnish you with a comprehensive overview of the finest network monitoring tools available, enabling you to pinpoint the ideal solution for your business needs. So, let's begin our exploration of the top 29 alternatives to Auvik Network Monitoring.

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Button - NPM Map

6 Auvik Alternatives for Network Performance Monitoring
6 Auvik Alternatives for Network Performance Monitoring

If you're in search of a network performance monitoring tool and are exploring alternatives to Auvik, you're in the right place. In this section, we've curated a list of six tools that provide similar or even more advanced features compared to Auvik, but with more of a focus on end-to-end network performance and health. These tools offer functionalities such as real-time network performance analysis, customizable alerts, and support for cloud-based infrastructure.

These alternatives empower you to swiftly identify and address network issues, ensuring seamless operation of your network infrastructure. Continue reading to discover more about these options and determine the best fit for your organization's needs.

1. Obkio Network Performance Monitoring
1. Obkio Network Performance Monitoring

Obkio stands out as a cloud-based synthetic network performance monitoring solution, offering comprehensive visibility into network performance across LAN, WAN, and cloud environments. While Auvik excels in network mapping, monitoring, and automation, Obkio presents itself as a compelling alternative with distinct features and approaches.

Obkio Network Monitoring Software - Auvik Alternative

Here's how Obkio compares to Auvik:

Synthetic Monitoring: Obkio uses synthetic monitoring to proactively monitor and troubleshoot network performance by replicating user behaviour. This feature ensures organizations can anticipate and address potential issues before they impact end-users. While Auvik focuses on network mapping and monitoring, it may not provide the same level of synthetic traffic generation.

Ease of Deployment: Obkio boasts a reputation for swift and effortless deployment, thanks to its lightweight agents and cloud-based architecture. This ease of implementation caters to organizations seeking a streamlined monitoring solution, offering quick access to critical network performance insights.

Real-Time Monitoring: Both Obkio and Auvik offer real-time monitoring capabilities, facilitating prompt identification and resolution of performance issues. Obkio's commitment to continuous measurement of network metrics enhances proactive monitoring, ensuring optimal network performance at all times.

User-Friendly Interface: Obkio prides itself on providing a user-friendly interface featuring intuitive dashboards and reports. While Auvik also offers a user-friendly environment, Obkio's simplicity may appeal to organizations prioritizing ease of use. However, Auvik's extensive feature set may offer more comprehensive monitoring capabilities, albeit with a potentially steeper learning curve.

Focus on End-User Experience: Obkio places a strong emphasis on end-user experience monitoring through synthetic traffic, aiming to deliver a positive digital experience. While Auvik is capable of monitoring various aspects of network performance, Obkio's specific focus on end-user experience ensures organizations can proactively address issues affecting user satisfaction.

Obkio’s Pricing:

Obkio adopts a cost-effective pricing model, based on the number of agents required for network monitoring. On the other hand, Auvik's pricing structure is calculated per number of switches, routers, firewalls, and controllers. Obkio's transparent pricing model allows organizations to build custom plans using the Price Calculator, ensuring clarity and predictability in budgeting and planning processes.

In summary, Obkio emerges as a compelling alternative to Auvik, offering robust synthetic network performance monitoring capabilities with a focus on simplicity, real-time monitoring, and end-user experience optimization.

Obkio Network Monitoring Software - Auvik Alternative

Learn more here: https://obkio.com/pricing/

Free Trial: https://obkio.com/signup/

Banner - Price Calculator

Obkio’s User Interface:

Obkio’s Network Monitoring - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio Network Monitoring App - Auvik Alternative

Obkio's Free 14-Day Trial:

Obkio provides a free 14-day trial of all of its premium features, enabling you to begin monitoring and troubleshooting network issues in a matter of minutes. Within minutes, customers may begin gathering performance data and detecting network problems with the help of Obkio's Onboarding Wizard.

  • 14-day free trial of all premium features
  • Deploy in just 10 minutes
  • Monitor performance in all key network locations
  • Measure real-time network metrics
  • Identify and troubleshoot live network problems
Free Trial - Text CTA
Free Trial - Button - Generic

2. Kentik
2. Kentik

Kentik stands out as a robust network monitoring and analytics platform, providing real-time insights into network performance, security, and usage. While Auvik excels in network mapping and monitoring, Kentik offers unique features and capabilities.

Flow-Based Analysis Specialization: Kentik specializes in flow-based analysis, offering deep insights into network traffic patterns and application performance. While Auvik provides similar capabilities, Kentik emphasizes advanced analytics for enhanced understanding.

Anomaly Detection and Visualizations: Kentik employs machine learning algorithms for real-time anomaly detection and offers advanced visualizations for data interpretation. These features provide organizations with proactive insights and decision-making support beyond Auvik's capabilities.

Global Network Visibility: Kentik is known for its global network visibility, enabling organizations to monitor and analyze performance across multiple locations. This feature ensures consistent user experience and optimization across distributed networks, a capability that may require additional configuration with Auvik.

Kentik User Interface:

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Banner - Kentik Alternative Page

3. Catchpoint
3. Catchpoint

Catchpoint presents itself as a formidable competitor to Auvik, particularly due to its specialization in Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM). While Auvik offers comprehensive network mapping and monitoring solutions, Catchpoint distinguishes itself by providing deep insights into the end-user experience.

Specialization in Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM): Catchpoint specializes in Digital Experience Monitoring, focusing on providing insights into the end-user experience by measuring performance from the user's perspective. This emphasis ensures a comprehensive view of application performance, which may require additional configuration with Auvik.

Real User Monitoring (RUM) Integration: Catchpoint includes Real User Monitoring, allowing organizations to gain insights into actual user interactions with applications. This feature provides a deeper understanding of user experience beyond synthetic testing, enhancing overall performance monitoring capabilities.

Catchpoint User Interface:

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Banner - Catchpoint Alternative Page

4. AppNeta
4. AppNeta

AppNeta emerges as a strong competitor to Auvik, particularly due to its emphasis on end-user experience monitoring. While Auvik offers robust network mapping and monitoring solutions, AppNeta distinguishes itself by providing real-time monitoring and analytics focused on both network and application performance.

This emphasis on end-user experience ensures that organizations can gain valuable insights into application responsiveness, page load times, and overall user satisfaction, aligning closely with Auvik's commitment to optimizing network performance and user experience.

Additionally, AppNeta's utilization of both active and passive monitoring techniques offers organizations a comprehensive approach to performance monitoring, further enhancing its value proposition as a competitor to Auvik.

AppNeta User Interface:

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See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against Appneta as the ultimate Appneta Alternative.

Banner - Appneta Alternative Page

5. ThousandEyes
5. ThousandEyes

ThousandEyes presents a compelling alternative to Auvik, primarily due to its focus on providing extensive global network insights. Auvik is known for its cloud-based network management and mapping features, whereas ThousandEyes stands out by strategically deploying cloud agents worldwide to conduct tests and gather data. This approach offers organizations unparalleled visibility into global network performance, which may be particularly advantageous for enterprises with distributed operations or international reach.

Additionally, ThousandEyes' Internet Intelligence features provide valuable insights into internet health, routing, and service provider performance, further enhancing its appeal as an alternative solution to Auvik.

ThousandEyes User Interface:

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See how Obkio's Network Monitoring tool stands up against ThousandEyes as the best ThousandEyes Alternative.

Banner - Appneta Alternative Page
Banner - ThousandEyes Alternative Page

6. LiveAction
6. LiveAction

LiveAction stands out as a compelling alternative to Auvik, offering enhanced network monitoring capabilities tailored for diagnostics. While Auvik specializes in cloud-based network management and mapping, LiveAction focuses on providing real-time monitoring and analytics specifically designed for network performance analysis. Auvik's strength lies in its comprehensive network mapping and monitoring solutions, whereas LiveAction complements this by offering advanced flow visualization and analysis features.

LiveAction helps organizations can gain deeper insights into their network behaviour, allowing for more effective troubleshooting and optimization efforts. This unique combination of features positions LiveAction as a valuable alternative for businesses seeking to enhance their network monitoring capabilities beyond traditional mapping and monitoring solutions.

LiveAction User Interface:

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Banner - LiveAction Alternative Page

6 Comparable Network Monitoring and IT Platform Tools as Alternatives to Auvik
6 Comparable Network Monitoring and IT Platform Tools as Alternatives to Auvik

If you're seeking alternatives to Auvik for network monitoring and IT platform needs, you're in the right place. In this section, we've compiled a list of six tools renowned for their diverse features and capabilities, spanning network performance monitoring, infrastructure management, and application performance monitoring.

While these tools may present greater complexity compared to Auvik, they offer a comprehensive perspective of your IT infrastructure, empowering you to swiftly identify and address issues. Continue reading to discover more about these alternatives and select the one that aligns best with your organization's requirements.

1. ManageEngine OpManager
1. ManageEngine OpManager

ManageEngine OpManager serves as a versatile network monitoring solution, catering to various aspects such as network monitoring, server monitoring, and application monitoring. It stands as a noteworthy alternative to Auvik due to its comparable network monitoring capabilities, aiding IT teams in efficiently troubleshooting network issues.

OpManager, much like Auvik, offers comprehensive network monitoring functionalities, encompassing real-time performance metrics, device health assessment, and availability monitoring. Additionally, both OpManager and Auvik feature automatic device discovery and mapping capabilities. Moreover, they support SNMP, facilitating the collection of detailed performance data from network devices.

Manage Engine OPManager User Interface:

manage engine op manager auvik alternative

manage engine op manager auvik alternative

manage engine op manager auvik alternative

2. SolarWinds
2. SolarWinds

SolarWinds NPM stands out as a robust alternative to Auvik, offering real-time network performance monitoring, network mapping, and network traffic analysis. While both SolarWinds and Auvik are renowned network monitoring solutions, they diverge in terms of features, approach, and pricing.

Similar to Auvik, SolarWinds NPM provides comprehensive network monitoring capabilities, encompassing a wide array of devices, applications, and services within an IT infrastructure. However, SolarWinds NPM places particular emphasis on flow-based analysis through its Network Performance Monitor (NPM), enabling detailed insights into network traffic patterns and bandwidth utilization.

In terms of pricing, SolarWinds typically adopts a module-based approach, allowing users to select and purchase specific modules based on their unique requirements. Conversely, Auvik's pricing structure often revolves around the number of switches, routers, firewalls, and controllers required for monitoring.

SolarWinds User Interface:

solarwind auvik alternative

solarwind auvik alternative

solarwind auvik alternative

Banner - SolarWinds Alternative Page

3. ScienceLogic
3. ScienceLogic

ScienceLogic emerges as a robust alternative to Auvik, presenting a hybrid IT monitoring platform that provides holistic visibility into network performance, infrastructure, and applications. While both ScienceLogic and Auvik are comprehensive network monitoring solutions, they exhibit differences in their focus and feature sets.

Both ScienceLogic and Auvik are tailored to address enterprise-level monitoring requirements. ScienceLogic is renowned for its scalability, making it adept at handling large and intricate environments, akin to Auvik. Similarly to Auvik, ScienceLogic offers a unified monitoring platform that integrates various facets of IT infrastructure, including network devices, servers, applications, and cloud services.

ScienceLogic User Interface:

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4. LogicMonitor
4. LogicMonitor

LogicMonitor presents itself as a compelling alternative to Auvik, offering a cloud-based network monitoring solution equipped with a comprehensive array of features, including network monitoring, application monitoring, and cloud monitoring. While both LogicMonitor and Auvik provide robust network monitoring capabilities, their distinct value propositions shape the decision-making process based on organizational requirements, preferences, and considerations, such as deployment preferences (cloud-native vs. on-premises).

As a cloud-native monitoring solution, LogicMonitor offers distinct advantages, including easy scalability, automatic updates, and centralized management. This aligns well with businesses seeking a cloud-centric monitoring platform, making LogicMonitor a viable alternative to Auvik. Conversely, Auvik's emphasis on detailed network topology mapping and specialized features tailored for managed service providers may appeal to organizations with specific networking needs and MSP-focused deployments.

LogicMonitor User Interface:

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5. Progress WhatsUp Gold
5. Progress WhatsUp Gold

Progress WhatsUp Gold emerges as an alternative worth considering in comparison to Auvik, providing a network monitoring tool equipped with real-time network monitoring, network mapping, and network traffic analysis capabilities. While both Progress WhatsUp Gold and Auvik offer comprehensive network monitoring solutions, they exhibit differences in features, strengths, and focus areas.

Both WhatsUp Gold and Auvik offer network discovery and mapping functionalities, enabling users to visualize the network topology and understand device relationships. WhatsUp Gold distinguishes itself by providing robust device monitoring features that encompass a diverse range of network devices, including routers, switches, servers, and more. This breadth of device support may appeal to organizations seeking comprehensive monitoring solutions for a wide array of network infrastructure components. Conversely, Auvik's specialization in cloud-based network management and detailed network topology mapping may attract organizations to prioritize cloud-centric monitoring and network visualization capabilities.

Progress WhatsUpGold User Interface:

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When considering PRTG as an alternative to Auvik, it emerges as a powerful and flexible network monitoring solution developed by Paessler AG. While Auvik specializes in cloud-based network management with a focus on detailed network topology mapping and MSP workflows, PRTG offers a comprehensive set of features tailored to network administrators' needs.

PRTG provides real-time network monitoring, tracking network performance, traffic, and uptime across various devices such as servers, routers, switches, and more. It also offers alerts and notifications to promptly address network issues, along with detailed reporting and analysis tools for tracking network performance trends over time.

Moreover, PRTG is highly customizable, allowing users to configure the solution according to their specific requirements by adding custom sensors, dashboards, and maps. While Auvik caters to MSPs with its specialized features, PRTG's flexibility makes it suitable for organizations of all sizes and industries seeking a comprehensive network monitoring solution. Thus, for organizations looking for a versatile alternative to Auvik, PRTG offers a compelling option with its extensive feature set and customization options.

PRTG User Interface:

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5 Open-Source or Free Auvik Alternatives
5 Open-Source or Free Auvik Alternatives

If you're looking for cost-effective options or prefer open-source solutions, exploring alternatives to Auvik can be beneficial. In this section, we've curated a list of five open-source or free tools that offer functionalities akin to Auvik, encompassing network mapping, monitoring, alerting, and reporting. While some of these alternatives may have fewer features compared to Auvik, they still present valuable opportunities to gain insights into your network performance without incurring additional costs.

Continue reading to discover more about these alternatives and identify the one that aligns with your organization's requirements and financial constraints.

1. Icinga
1. Icinga

Icinga is an open-source network monitoring tool that presents a robust suite of features, encompassing network performance, server, and application monitoring. As an alternative to Auvik, organizations may find Icinga appealing due to its open-source nature and strong community support. In contrast, Auvik offers a cloud-based network management solution with specialized features like detailed network topology mapping and MSP workflows.

With Icinga, users benefit from extensive configuration options, allowing for tailored monitoring setups to meet specific requirements. While Auvik is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, organizations seeking open-source solutions and greater customization capabilities may opt for Icinga to fulfill their network monitoring needs.

Icinga User Interface:

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2. Nagios XI
2. Nagios XI

Nagios XI stands out as an alternative to Auvik, offering a customizable and flexible approach to network monitoring. While Auvik emphasizes detailed network topology mapping and MSP workflows, Nagios XI leverages its open-source framework to provide extensive customization options tailored to specific organizational needs.

With Nagios XI, organizations can delve into highly customizable configurations, allowing for intricate monitoring setups that align with their unique requirements. While Auvik offers a user-friendly interface and specialized features, Nagios XI provides users with the flexibility to adapt the monitoring solution according to their network architecture and workflows.

Nagios XI User Interface:

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Banner - Nagios Alt

3. LibreNMS
3. LibreNMS

LibreNMS emerges as a compelling alternative to Auvik, providing an open-source solution for network monitoring. With a comprehensive feature set, including network performance, server, and application monitoring, LibreNMS offers users the freedom to access and modify its source code to tailor the solution to their specific needs.

Both LibreNMS and Auvik cater to network monitoring needs with features such as SNMP support, device discovery, alerting, and reporting. However, organizations should carefully evaluate their requirements to determine which solution aligns best with their unique network management objectives.

LibreNMS User Interface:

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4. Zabbix
4. Zabbix

Zabbix presents itself as a formidable alternative to Auvik, offering an open-source solution for network monitoring. With its comprehensive feature set, including network performance, server, and application monitoring capabilities, Zabbix provides users with extensive monitoring capabilities. Zabbix is open-source, allowing users to access and modify its source code to suit their specific requirements.

The open-source nature of Zabbix may particularly appeal to organizations seeking flexibility and customization in their network monitoring solutions. Both Zabbix and Auvik employ template-based monitoring, enabling users to define and apply monitoring templates across various devices, ensuring consistency and simplifying the monitoring setup.

Zabbix User Interface:

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5. OpenNMS
5. OpenNMS

OpenNMS stands out as a noteworthy alternative to Auvik, offering an open-source network management platform with a rich feature set. Designed with transparency, flexibility, and customization in mind, OpenNMS provides users with the freedom to tailor their network management solution according to their specific requirements.

OpenNMS is renowned for its scalability, making it well-suited for large and complex network environments, similar to Auvik. While Auvik's pricing model is based on factors like the number of switches, routers, firewalls, and controllers, OpenNMS provides scalability without the constraints of a licensing model, offering greater flexibility as networks expand.

Both OpenNMS and Auvik offer a wide range of features for network monitoring, including SNMP support, alerting, reporting, and performance analytics. However, organizations should evaluate their specific needs and preferences to determine which solution, OpenNMS or Auvik, aligns best with their network management objectives.

OpenNMS User Interface:

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Banner - OpenNMS Alt

Application Performance Monitoring Software with Network Monitoring Functionalities for Auvik Alternatives
Application Performance Monitoring Software with Network Monitoring Functionalities for Auvik Alternatives

If you're looking for more application performance monitoring (APM) solutions with integrated network monitoring capabilities, you're in the right place. In this section, we've curated a selection of six APM tools that offer robust network monitoring features comparable to or even surpassing those of Auvik, along with features more tailored toward application performance.

These solutions enable you to monitor both application performance and network health simultaneously, providing a holistic view of your IT infrastructure.

Explore these alternatives further to discover the ideal fit for your organization's needs.

1. Datadog
1. Datadog

Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that offers comprehensive visibility into network performance, infrastructure, and applications, making it a viable alternative to Auvik. While Auvik excels in network management, Datadog stands out with its robust Application Performance Monitoring (APM) capabilities, providing detailed insights into application performance and service delivery. Auvik, on the other hand, is tailored for network-centric monitoring, offering detailed network topology mapping and proactive network monitoring features.

Datadog is particularly well-suited for modern cloud-native environments, while Auvik may be preferred for organizations focusing on network management and MSP environments.

Datadog User Interface:

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2. AppDynamics
2. AppDynamics

AppDynamics is a cloud-based application performance monitoring tool that provides real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact, offering an alternative to Auvik. While Auvik specializes in network management, AppDynamics focuses primarily on application performance monitoring (APM) and user experience insights.

Organizations seeking in-depth visibility into application performance and user experience may find AppDynamics to be a suitable alternative to Auvik. However, Auvik remains the preferred choice for organizations prioritizing comprehensive network management and MSP environments.

AppDynamics User Interface:

appdynamics alternative to auvik alternative screenshot 1

3. Dynatrace
3. Dynatrace

Dynatrace is a cloud-based application performance monitoring tool that delivers real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact, offering an alternative to Auvik. Unlike Auvik, which specializes in network management, Dynatrace provides comprehensive full-stack observability, encompassing applications, infrastructure, and user experience.

For organizations prioritizing strong APM capabilities, cloud monitoring, and AI-driven insights, Dynatrace may be the preferred choice over Auvik. However, Auvik remains an excellent option for organizations focusing primarily on network management.

Dynatrace User Interface:

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4. Splunk
4. Splunk

Splunk is a cloud-based platform that provides comprehensive visibility into network performance, security, and usage, presenting an alternative to Auvik. Unlike Auvik, which primarily focuses on network management, Splunk offers a broader range of capabilities, including log analysis and event management, enhanced by machine learning algorithms.

For organizations seeking versatile monitoring solutions across various IT domains, Splunk may be a preferable alternative to Auvik. However, Auvik remains an excellent choice for those prioritizing network monitoring, simplicity, and ease of use in their IT infrastructure management.

Splunk User Interface:

splunk alternative to auvik alternative screenshot 1

5. New Relic
5. New Relic

New Relic is a cloud-based application performance monitoring tool that provides real-time insights into application performance, user experience, and business impact. While New Relic serves as an alternative to Auvik, it's important to note that they serve different primary purposes in IT monitoring. New Relic specializes in application performance monitoring (APM), whereas Auvik focuses on network management.

With New Relic, organizations gain end-to-end visibility into their application stack, enabling them to identify performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and optimize application performance. On the other hand, Auvik emphasizes comprehensive network monitoring, infrastructure visibility, and device management, offering a different set of capabilities tailored to network administrators' needs.

New Relic User Interface:

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6. Elastic Observability
6. Elastic Observability

Elastic Observability is a cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that provides comprehensive visibility into network performance, infrastructure, and applications. While Elastic Observability can serve as an alternative to Auvik, it's essential to recognize that they cater to different aspects of IT monitoring, each with distinct features and use cases.

Elastic Observability encompasses application performance monitoring (APM) features, enabling organizations to monitor and analyze application performance in real-time. In contrast, Auvik is primarily focused on network management and infrastructure monitoring, offering specialized capabilities tailored to network administrators' needs.

Elastic Observability User Interface:

elastic observability alternative to auvik alternative screenshot 1

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6 Packet Capture Network Monitoring Solutions as Auvik Alternatives
6 Packet Capture Network Monitoring Solutions as Auvik Alternatives

For businesses seeking an alternative to Auvik that can capture and analyze individual packets of data, allowing for deeper inspection of network traffic, we've compiled a selection of six alternatives in this section. These options offer robust features including packet capture, real-time analysis, and customizable alerts.

Dive in to explore these Auvik alternatives and discover the ideal fit for your organization's requirements.

1. Ixia/Keysight
1. Ixia/Keysight

Ixia/Keysight Network Monitoring presents a comprehensive solution for network monitoring and testing, featuring real-time network monitoring, network traffic analysis, and security testing functionalities. It emerges as an alternative to Auvik, offering solutions tailored for performance testing and validation across networks, applications, and security infrastructure. In comparison, Auvik specializes in cloud-based network management, providing detailed network topology mapping, proactive network monitoring, and troubleshooting tools.

Ixia/Keysight's packet-level analysis capabilities enable deep inspection of network traffic, facilitating effective troubleshooting and performance optimization. While Auvik excels in network mapping and monitoring, it may not offer the same level of packet-level granularity as Ixia/Keysight.

Ixia/Keysight User Interface:

ixia alternative to auvik alternative screenshot 1

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2. Viavi
2. Viavi

Viavi Observer Solutions presents a robust network performance monitoring and diagnostics platform, offering real-time network monitoring, network traffic analysis, and troubleshooting functionalities. As an alternative to Auvik in certain aspects, Viavi Observer Solutions complements Auvik's features with its emphasis on deep packet inspection and detailed network traffic analysis.

Renowned for its deep packet inspection capabilities, Viavi Observer Solutions enables organizations to conduct granular analysis of network traffic. This in-depth packet analysis provides valuable insights into application performance and potential security threats. While Auvik provides comprehensive network management solutions, Viavi's focus on packet-level analysis offers a unique perspective on network performance.

Viavi Solutions User Interface:

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3. Gigamon
3. Gigamon

Gigamon offers a network visibility and analytics platform designed to provide comprehensive insights into network performance, security, and usage. While its primary focus differs from Auvik, Gigamon can serve as a complementary solution in specific network monitoring scenarios.

Renowned for its network visibility and traffic intelligence solutions, Gigamon specializes in packet-level visibility, network traffic monitoring, and directing specific traffic flows for analysis by other tools. Auvik, on the other hand, is a cloud-based network management software known for its extensive suite of features, including network mapping, monitoring, and automation capabilities.

Organizations may consider integrating both Gigamon and Auvik to leverage Gigamon's traffic intelligence alongside Auvik's comprehensive network management functionalities, thus enhancing their overall network monitoring and management capabilities.

Gigamon User Interface:

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4. Netscout
4. Netscout

Netscout's nGeniusOne is a robust network performance management platform that specializes in real-time network monitoring, network traffic analysis, and troubleshooting. While it serves a similar purpose as Auvik in network monitoring, each solution possesses distinct features and strengths.

Netscout stands out for its deep packet inspection capabilities and comprehensive network visibility, enabling organizations to perform granular analysis of packets. Auvik, on the other hand, provides extensive network management, monitoring, and automation functionalities.

When considering Netscout as an alternative to Auvik, organizations should evaluate their specific monitoring requirements, preferences, and the level of depth needed in network analysis. Netscout's focus on packet-level inspection, service assurance, and advanced APM features may be advantageous for enterprises seeking comprehensive network and application visibility in complex environments.

Netscout nGeniusOne User Interface:

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5. ExtraHop Revealx
5. ExtraHop Revealx

ExtraHop Revealx is a cloud-based network detection and response platform known for its real-time wire data analytics capabilities, threat detection, and investigation functionalities. It emerges as a compelling alternative to Auvik as both solutions aim to enhance network visibility and management, yet with distinct features and applications.

ExtraHop Reveal(x) specializes in analyzing real-time network traffic, offering comprehensive insights into network and application performance. Its advanced wire data analytics enable users to detect anomalies and identify potential threats with precision.

When considering ExtraHop Reveal(x) as an alternative to Auvik, organizations should evaluate their specific requirements and priorities. ExtraHop Reveal(x) is particularly beneficial for those prioritizing advanced wire data analytics, security monitoring, and behavioural analysis. Conversely, Auvik remains a solid choice for organizations seeking comprehensive network visibility and management capabilities with a user-friendly interface.

Extrahop Revealx User Interface:

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6. Accedian Skylight
6. Accedian Skylight

Accedian Skylight is a network performance monitoring and diagnostics platform distinguished for its real-time network monitoring, network traffic analysis, and troubleshooting capabilities. It emerges as an alternative to Auvik in the realm of network monitoring, with each solution offering unique features and strengths tailored to specific monitoring needs.

Accedian Skylight specializes in delivering end-to-end application and network performance monitoring, with a keen focus on application responsiveness and user experience. Its advanced monitoring capabilities provide organizations with detailed insights into application performance, ensuring optimal user satisfaction. In contrast, while Auvik offers comprehensive network visibility and management, its primary emphasis may not be on application-centric monitoring like Accedian Skylight.

Moreover, Accedian Skylight excels in providing packet-level visibility, enabling organizations to conduct in-depth analysis of network traffic for troubleshooting and performance optimization. This granular level of network traffic analysis sets Accedian Skylight apart in scenarios where detailed insights into network performance are required.

Skylight User Interface:

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Discover the Best Auvik Alternative for Your Enterprise Network Monitoring
Discover the Best Auvik Alternative for Your Enterprise Network Monitoring

In conclusion, while Auvik is an excellent tool for network management, there are numerous alternatives available that may better suit your organization's specific needs. It's essential to take the time to determine precisely what features and capabilities you require in a network monitoring solution to ensure you choose the best fit for your organization.

We strongly advise carefully assessing your organization's unique needs before making a decision. Selecting the right network monitoring tool is crucial for optimizing your network's performance and ensuring seamless operations.

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Step into a new era of network performance monitoring with Obkio, the ultimate alternative to Auvik. Obkio's Network Performance Monitoring tool distinguishes itself as the optimal choice for organizations seeking a proactive and seamless approach to network optimization. With a focus on synthetic traffic simulation, Obkio guarantees continuous measurement of network metrics, providing unparalleled insights into the end-user experience.

Why Opt for Obkio over Auvik?

Synthetic Traffic Expertise: Obkio's synthetic traffic capabilities enable you to replicate user behaviour for proactive monitoring and swift issue identification.

SNMP and Device Monitoring: Obkio offers SNMP support and device monitoring features, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of network health, including bandwidth utilization and device performance.

Effortless Deployment: Experience the simplicity and speed of Obkio's deployment, facilitated by lightweight agents and a cloud-based architecture. Get up and running swiftly without compromising on functionality.

Real-Time Insights: Obkio provides real-time monitoring with intuitive interfaces and customizable dashboards, empowering you with immediate visibility into network performance.

Cost-Effective Solution: With a flexible pricing model often based on the number of agents, Obkio is a cost-effective solution suitable for organizations of all sizes.

Make the transition to Obkio and elevate your network monitoring! Embrace a comprehensive solution that not only rivals but surpasses Auvik in synthetic traffic simulation, SNMP support, and overall network performance monitoring. Embark on your Obkio journey today and ensure the success of your network with the premier alternative to Auvik.

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This page is compiled from the information available on the software’s official website. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this article. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Obkio is not liable for any inaccuracies in the article due to changes made on their websites or any development made to their products after the date of publication of this article. Please refer to their websites for more information.

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