Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

    What you are going to learn:

  • What is Application Performance Monitoring
  • How Application Performance Monitoring works
  • How to access and view Application Performance Monitoring metrics

Obkio's Application Performance Monitoring (APM) monitoring feature is available to help IT teams with web troubleshooting and confirm if a performance issue is coming from the network or not.

There are two types of APM tests available with Obkio:

  • APM HTTP: As its name suggests, the APM HTTP feature tests a single HTTP URL periodically to extract performance metrics for detailed and real-time URL monitoring. This is the usual way to use the APM feature and is designed to be used without any assistance from the Obkio team. Note that no CSS, Javascript or image files are downloaded with APM HTTP. Also, URLs returning 3xx redirect codes are not used, find more details in the `Status Code` section of this documentation.
  • APM Web: This feature is only available, on demand, for Enterprise customers and is developed as a custom script to test specific web workflows from a full web browser. As this isn't a feature developed to be used freely, there's no public documentation available and the assistance of the Obkio team is required. Contact us for more information.

Use APM HTTP tests to monitor the performance from the application standpoint of any website or web service, like this example below, where the performance to reach is measured.

Screencapture APM View Monitoring Graphs

APM monitoring is configured via APM templates. See the APM template documentation for more information.

Once the APM tests are configured, the metrics obtained are available via the APM tab. Clicking on the APM tab will list all the ongoing APM tests.

Select one specific APM test to view the related metrics available via the APM graphs. Note that a single APM test can be performed by multiple Obkio Agents. See the APM graphs documentation for more information on the different metrics available.