Notification Summary

    What you are going to learn:

  • How Obkio groups together notifications to reduce overload

Notification Summaries are one of the Notification Settings that can be changed by your organization's Administrator to reduce the number of notifications you receive in Obkio's app.

Changing this setting applies to all the users within an organization and can only be changed by organization Administrators. Each user can set their own Minimum Notification Severity. More details at User Notification Settings.

Notification Summary (enabled by default)
Notification Summary (enabled by default)

If this setting is enabled, each time a notification is about to be sent to a user, the system will aggregate all the notifications that should be sent to that user into a single email.

With this setting, if an agent with 10 sessions goes down, all the critical notifications for the monitoring sessions will be sent in a single summary email (as long as all the events are received within a 5-second window). This reduced notification overload, and the amount of emails you receive in your inbox.

Note that the summary is per organization only. So if a user is in two organizations, notifications from the two organizations will never be aggregated together in a single summary.

Pagerduty Integration Limitation
Pagerduty Integration Limitation

If you receive notification through PagerDuty integration, the notifications are never summarized and will be sent individually.

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