Notification Delays

    What you are going to learn:

  • How to delay notifications sent when network issues arise.

Notification Delays are one of the Notification Settings that can be changed by your organization's Administrator to delay notifications you receive in Obkio's app.

Changing this setting applies to all the users within an organization and can only be changed by organization Administrators. Each user can set their own Minimum Notification Severity. More details at User Notification Settings.

Notification Delays (enabled by default)
Notification Delays (enabled by default)

When enabled, the system will wait (for up to 15 minutes) before sending a notification for a network event.

This setting is configurable by severity level, including 'Ok, Information, Warning, ErrorandCritical.`

If the notification is no longer valid after the delay (i.e. the issue severity level is lower than the notification severity level), the notification will be ignored.

The default values are:

  • Ok: 2 minutes
  • Information: 15 minutes
  • Warning: 5 minutes
  • Error: 2 minutes
  • Critical: 15 seconds

For example, if a Warning notification is created, it will be queued for 10 minutes. When the system is ready to send the notification, it will make sure the notification is still valid (i.e. the issue must be in Warning severity level) otherwise it will be ignored.

With this setting, small events that occur only for a few minutes can easily be ignored even if issue thresholds are still aggressive enough to see small issues in the App.

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